Re: [Ace] Removal of the Client Token from ACE-OAuth draft

Benjamin Kaduk <> Fri, 02 February 2018 02:31 UTC

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Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2018 20:31:04 -0600
From: Benjamin Kaduk <>
To: Hannes Tschofenig <>
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Subject: Re: [Ace] Removal of the Client Token from ACE-OAuth draft
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On Thu, Feb 01, 2018 at 01:59:48PM +0000, Hannes Tschofenig wrote:
> Hi all,
> the Client Token is a new mechanism in the ACE-OAuth that aims to solve a scenario where the Client does not have connectivity to the Authorization Server to obtain an access token while the Resource Server does.

This sounds eerily reminiscent of the IAKERB GSS-API mechanism,
where the initiator uses the acceptor as a proxy to contact the
Kerberos KDC, obtain an initial ticket, and obtain the credentials
needed to complete the "normal" Kerberos exchange with the acceptor.
(An early draft of) it got implemented, but the spec kind of died
and we don't know of anyone actually using it.

So, I support not including it unless we have some actual use cases
in mind.


> The solution is therefore for the Client to use the Resource Server to relay messages to the Authorization Server.
> While this sounds nice it does not follow the OAuth model and we, at ARM, have not seen anyone requesting this feature. It is also not fully specified in the spec: since I have been doing a formal analysis of this protocol variant for the OAuth Security Workshop I had to notice that it is not secure. (I will post the paper to the list asap.)
> Note that I am not saying that we should never do this work but I prefer that someone who really cares about this use case describes it in an independent document.
> In summary, I am again requesting that the Client Token functionality is removed from the ACE-OAuth draft.
> Ciao
> Hannes
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