[Acme] AD Review of draft-ietf-acme-email-smime-07
Roman Danyliw <rdd@cert.org> Fri, 22 May 2020 14:54 UTC
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From: Roman Danyliw <rdd@cert.org>
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Hi! I completed my AD review of draft-ietf-acme-email-smime-07. Thanks for the work on this document. Here is my feedback: ** What was the thinking behind the document status being informational? ** Section 3.1. This section has no (normative) guidance on populating the To and From fields. ** Section 3.1. Step 5. Per "If S/MIME signing is used to prove authenticity of the challenge message, then multipart/signed or "application/pkcs7-mime; smime-type=signed-data;" media type should be used", is there is a reason that this should is not normative (i.e., SHOULD)? ** Section 6. -- Recommend explicitly naming the registries being updated -- Per the challenge type, all of the fields in the registry aren't described here -- Per the challenge type, the text in Section 3 says that the challenge type is "email-reply-00" (not "email-reply" as described here) I recommend something like the following: NEW: 6.1. Identifier Type Per this document, a new type has been added to the "ACME Identifier Types" registry defined in Section 9.7.7 of [RFC8555] with Label "email" and a Reference to this document. 6.2. Challenge Types Per this document, a new entry have been added to the "ACME Validation Methods" registry defined in Section 9.7.8 of [RFC8555]. This entry is as follows: +-------------+-----------------+------+-----------+ | Label | Identifier Type | ACME | Reference | +=============+=================+======+===========+ | email-reply-00 | email | Y | This document | +-------------+-----------------+------+-----------+ ** Section 7. Per "Any claims about the correctness or fitness-for-purpose of the email address must be otherwise assured", I don't follow the intent of this text. For example, what is the "correctness ... of the email address"? What is meant by "assurances"? ** Editorial nits: -- Section 3. Typo. s/posession/posession/ -- Section 4. As this document is now headed out of the WG, it seems like it should be removed. -- Section 7. Typo. s/can can/can/ -- Section 7. Editorial. For readability, I would avoid nested parentheses. OLD (by posessing user's password or a secret derived from it that can give read and reply access ("password equivalent" information), or by being given permissions to act on user's behalf using email delegation feature) NEW (by possessing a user's password or a secret derived from it that can give read and reply access, such as "password equivalent" information; or by being given permissions to act on user's behalf using email delegation feature) Regards, Roman
- [Acme] AD Review of draft-ietf-acme-email-smime-07 Roman Danyliw
- Re: [Acme] AD Review of draft-ietf-acme-email-smi… Salz, Rich
- Re: [Acme] AD Review of draft-ietf-acme-email-smi… Alexey Melnikov
- Re: [Acme] AD Review of draft-ietf-acme-email-smi… Russ Housley
- Re: [Acme] AD Review of draft-ietf-acme-email-smi… Ryan Sleevi
- Re: [Acme] AD Review of draft-ietf-acme-email-smi… Roman Danyliw
- Re: [Acme] AD Review of draft-ietf-acme-email-smi… Alexey Melnikov
- Re: [Acme] AD Review of draft-ietf-acme-email-smi… Roman Danyliw
- Re: [Acme] AD Review of draft-ietf-acme-email-smi… Roman Danyliw
- Re: [Acme] AD Review of draft-ietf-acme-email-smi… Alexey Melnikov