Cryptographic module validation programs rely heavily on humans reading and assessing written documents [speak to contents] in the form of technical essays. This validation model worked well when implementations evolved slowly. Today, cryptographic implementations and operational environments need to be updated more frequently to address vulnerabilities and support frequent patching. However, patching changes the environment in which a cryptographic module runs and may also change the module itself, thus invalidating the previously validated configuration. Everyone who depends on validated cryptography faces a dilemma when frequent updates and patches are important for staying ahead of the attacks, but the existing validation process does not permit each patch to be validated because of the slow human-based validation activities. The Automated Cryptographic Validation Protocol (ACVP) will provide an automated basis for validating each revision of cryptographic algorithm primitives. ACVP will standardize a protocol and data model for automated validation of algorithms using standardized testing methodologies and data models. While the specific cryptographic needs of communities in different geopolitical locales vary, it is important to have a common protocol and testing methodology to enable technology providers to demonstrate conformance to cryptographic security requirements for a given locale. The working group will develop an initial set of algorithm tests, and will establish a data model capable of testing other cryptographic algorithms, not currently covered. These algorithms can be grouped into the following classes: - symmetric block ciphers (AES, ...) - asymmetric algorithms (EDDSA, ...) - key agreement schemas (AKE,...) - hash algorithms (SHA2, SHA3, ...) - extensible output functions (XoF) - key derivation functions (KDFs) The full scope of work to cover all these algorithms is very large and the working group will need to develop a working plan to prioritize and develop testing methodologies and standard data models for them. The group will produce the following initial deliverables: - a standards track specification for the ACVP - a work plan for development of standards track testing methodology specifications for the cryptographic algorithm classes.