[alto] Fwd: Publication has been requested for draft-ietf-alto-performance-metrics-15

Jan Seedorf <ietf@j-f-s.de> Sun, 21 March 2021 22:43 UTC

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Dear all,

here is my write-up for the publication request on 

1. Summary

Jan Seedorf is the document shepherd for 
draft-ietf-alto-performance-metrics. Martin Duke is the responsible Area 

The ALTO base protocol (RFC7285) defines only a single cost metric, the 
generic “routing cost” metric. As new ALTO use cases are being 
envisioned (e.g. CDN, 5G, data-intensive science applications, flexible 
inter-domain routing, etc.), the demand for more concrete cost metrics 
to be conveyed via the ALTO protocol arises. This document defines a 
multitude of such concrete ALTO cost metrics, such as one-way delay, hop 
count, residue bandwidth, and several more.

This document is targeted as a Standards Track document (Proposed 
Standard). This designation is appropriate as the document contains 
normative behaviour and specifies several additions to the IANA "ALTO 
Cost Metric Registry" that should be adhered to by the communicating 
entities in order to realize the extension.

2. Review and Consensus
The document was introduced originally in 2013 and has been iterated and 
presented at IEFT meetings many times. It was adopted as WG item in 
2016, showing the general consensus in the ALTO WG for adding more 
concrete costs metrics to the ALTO protocol.

The proposed metrics have been discussed extensively at IETF meetings 
and on the mailing list. Since some of these metrics must to be 
specified in an unambiguous fashion with clear semantics, external help 
from IETF experts was obtained: in 2018 a “Tsvart early review” was 
performed by Brian Trammell. The outcome has been discussed on the 
mailing list and has been addressed in newer versions of the document. 
Also, advice from IETF experts from the IPPM WG on the semantics of the 
proposed metrics was obtained, discussed, and incorporated into the 
document. All of these changes and semantics have been presented to the 
ALTO WG multiple times.

In summary, there is clear consensus for 
draft-ietf-alto-performance-metrics in the ALTO WG, and it provides very 
useful cost metric extensions needed for many of the currently 
envisioned (future) ALTO use cases. A WGLC has successfully been passed 
with no objections, and extensive reviews were provided by various 
members of the WG and have all been addressed.

3. Intellectual Property
The shepherd confirms that each author has stated to him that to the 
best of his/her (i.e. the author’s) knowledge, all IPR related to this 
document has been disclosed.

4. Other Points
Note any downward references (see RFC 3967) and whether they appear in 
the DOWNREF Registry 
(http://trac.tools.ietf.org/group/iesg/trac/wiki/DownrefRegistry) as 
these need to be announced during Last Call.

All normative references are ok (with respect to RFC 3967) as they are 
all towards documents with standards-level “Proposed Standards”, 
“Internet Standard”, or “BCP”.

  - Jan

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: 	Publication has been requested for 
Weitersenden-Datum: 	Sun, 21 Mar 2021 15:37:17 -0700 (PDT)
Weitersenden-Von: 	alias-bounces@ietf.org
Weitersenden-An: 	bill.wu@huawei.com, vijay.gurbani@gmail.com, 
Datum: 	Sun, 21 Mar 2021 15:37:17 -0700
Von: 	Jan Seedorf via Datatracker <noreply@ietf.org>
An: 	martin.h.duke@gmail.com
Kopie (CC): 	alto-chairs@ietf.org, alto@ietf.org, 
iesg-secretary@ietf.org, ietf@j-f-s.de, jan@j-f-s.de

Jan Seedorf has requested publication of 
draft-ietf-alto-performance-metrics-15 as Proposed Standard on behalf of 
the ALTO working group.

Please verify the document's state at 