Re: [alto] ALTO at IETF-108: Finishing the current milestones and discussion on re-chartering the WG

Sebastian Kiesel <> Tue, 14 July 2020 18:39 UTC

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From: Sebastian Kiesel <>
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Hi Ingmar, all,

On Tue, Jul 14, 2020 at 01:33:37PM +0200, Ingmar Poese wrote:
> Am 14.07.20 um 11:56 schrieb Sebastian Kiesel:
> > On Mon, Jun 29, 2020 at 08:18:04AM -0300, Danny Alex Lachos Perez wrote:
> > > > Even the very first ALTO use case was multi-domain in some sense:
> > > > the bittorrent clients in the access networks of Comcast and Sprint,
> > > > the pirate bay tracker in Sweden, that could be seen as three domains.
> > > > The examples in the drafts you have listed are obviously different and
> > > > more complex, but I am still struggling to tell what exactly is new and
> > > > needs to be done.
> > > 
> > > Yes, I remember your question. I will try to clarify our multi-domain
> > > approach.
> > >  From your P2P example, we have the next figure:
> > > [image: multi-domain-ALTO.jpg]
> > > An ALTO server in each domain will provide only local information to ALTO
> > > clients. In the example, the tracker (ALTO client) receives
> > > topology-/policy-related information of a single domain (AS1 or AS2). Let's
> > > call it "single-domain information exposure".
> > 
> > While your observation is probably true in most deployments we have seen
> > so far, I do not completely agree on an architectural level.
> > 
> > We have designed the ALTO protocol such that an ALTO client may ask one
> > ALTO server *any* question, e.g., "give me network map and cost map for
> > the whole Internet address space" or ECS(IP1, IP2) where IP1 and IP2
> > are arbitrary IP addresses in whatever domain.
> > The idea that there might be more than one ALTO server, and that one
> > ALTO server might give better answers to some specific questions while
> > another ALTO server might give better answers to other questions,
> > was in our mind when we worked on the protocol, but it did not result
> > in any specific feature of the base protocol that would deal with that
> > situation.
> I would actually like to go a little further on this point. At the early
> stages, if i remember correctly, there was the discussion on "my view on the
> Internet".

You remember correctly. 

And if I remember correctly, we also had the idea that (at least for the
P2P use case), the ALTO information generally should flow in the
opposite direction of the money:  If, for example, I am a paying
customer of a specific ISP, I should listen to my ISP's guidance
(disseminated through my ISP's ALTO server), in order to reduce the
ressource consumption in their network and their costs for their
peerings or upstream, so they won't have to increase my monthly bill
and/or enforce volume caps or bandwidth throttling.  

As long as the assumption "bigger pipes = lower cost per byte = less
congestion = higher per-flow throughput" holds true, this strategy will
also give better application performance to me, the famous win-win
situation (or assumption). But there are also counter-examples: If I am
a mobile subscriber, my mobile network operator might be tempted to say
(for the P2P use case): any destination peer outside of my network is
better than pushing the same data twice through my radio access network,
to a another customer in my network running the P2P application. If
the ALTO server gives such simplistic guidance (low preference for local
network prefixes, uniformly higher preference for all other prefixes),
I might end up contacting a mobile user in a different part of the
world, thus going through 2 wireless links plus a transcontinental link.

So, multi-domain optimization might be challenging. And I am still not
so sure what are the domains in the multi-domain draft ...

> I would like to point this out again and the fact that "The
> Internet" looks different from different vantage points. Depending on where
> you are, decisions are different. Furthermore, a client is not capable of
> deciding which information to use from what ALTO server - and it if get
> multiple answers, which one is "more" correct.

The notion of "more correct" is difficult as this indeed highly depends
on the point of view.

> If the ALTO Server now only has information about the local network, or only
> gives out information about the local network, matching this to interAS
> client (or even clients in the same confederation) almost impossible - and
> this gets worse if not all Networks offer an ALTO service.
> I think an ALTO server should always give an indication on the entire
> Internet from it's point of view, even if much of it is aggregated. This
> reduces the problems to "what ALTO server to ask" for the client and can be
> much easier deployed and maintained on a large scale.

I agree.

> > This is different for the discovery mechansims: there we had the idea
> > that an ALTO server that is "near" to the endpoint of the data
> > transmissions to be optimized, typically announced by the operator of
> > the access network, will probably give good answers.
> > If the "peer selection" (or any other routing decision in the overlay)
> > is done in the endpoint of the data transmission itself, use RFC 7286;
> > if it is done at a remote entity such as a tracker, use RFC 8686 to find
> > ALTO server that is nearby the actual endpoint.
> > 
> > 
> > > On the other hand, if we want an ALTO client to receive merged information
> > > from multiple domains, ALTO servers need to be able to exchange
> > > information. In the example, the tracker will receive AS1’s and AS2’s
> > > merged information. Let's call it "multi-domain information exposure".
> > > As we identified [0], different use cases could benefit from multi-domain
> > > information exposure using ALTO. However, it also places requirements that
> > > the current ALTO design do not satisfy [1].
> > 
> > There is definitively room for extensions. We have so many architectural
> > options (side note: what is now just the "ALTO protocol" has been called
> > in RFC 5693 and 6708 the "ALTO client protocol", in anticipation that
> > there might be an ALTO server-to-server protocol in the future).
> > 
> > 
> > First area of questions: Data model.  If every ALTO server defines the
> > network map on its own and uses the default smaller-value-is-better
> > routingcost metric, which does not have a well-defined base unit, it
> > will be hard to impossible to merge information from different servers.
> > Deprecate them?  Replace with what? Or go for an architectural option
> > (see below) that does not require information merging on the ALTO
> > protocol side.
> This is an interesting problem that i would like to go into further. But
> then, i have a very narrow Agenda on our use case, so maybe i am
> overshooting here.
> > 
> > Second area of questions: placement of entities and protocols between
> > them. This is also not completely new, see Sec. 2.2.3 of RFC 7971
> > 
> > Ideas:
> > 
> > 1. Define a new server discovery mechanism.  An ALTO client would
> > discover several ALTO servers from different domains, ask each of them,
> > and then aggregate the information on the client-side.
> > 
> > 2. Mesh-style ALTO server-to-server communication.  Do we need a new
> > s2s protocol?  Is a small extension to the ALTO protocol sufficient?
> > 
> > 3. Hierarchical structure with backend information sources and frontend
> > servers towards the ALTO clients. Aggregation of the information from
> > different backends takes place in the frontends. How to ensure
> > consistency? Do we need a new protocol for backend to frontend
> > communication? Is a small extension to the ALTO protocol sufficient?
> > 
> > 
> >  From an academic perspective, I'd love to investigate and specify each
> > of these options and many more.  But from an IETF perspective: who is
> > willing to deploy anything on a scale that requires and justifies the
> > effort for standardization?  If there is one: what is their preference
> > which way to go?  Is your group planning a deployment?
> We (BENOCS) have had that on our ToDo list for about a year now, but we have
> not come around to implementing it so far. The deployment would encase about
> 100 million subscribers towards a few Hypergiants across Europe.

This really sounds impressive!

> I have a fairly good plan on how to do it - although we were not going to
> use ALTO for cross domain ALTO (we call it cascading internally), but rather
> implement something ourselves that fits our use case of
> Hypergiant<->end-user mapping (we do not do P2P).

Do you already have an idea which parts of your solution require
standardization and are understood well enough so that we can put
them on the deliverables list for our rechartering discussion?
> I would be open to discussing this in a broader sense to standardize the
> approach.

We definitively should have a venue in the context of IETF or IRTF
for discussing this, but is is already ripe for standardization?
