[alto] ALTO JSON Schema Collection
Jensen Zhang <jingxuan.n.zhang@gmail.com> Mon, 22 March 2021 15:13 UTC
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From: Jensen Zhang <jingxuan.n.zhang@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2021 23:13:24 +0800
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Subject: [alto] ALTO JSON Schema Collection
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Hi all, As multiple ALTO extensions have been or are going to be published and introduce multiple versions of the ALTO message formats, I just create a GitHub repo to maintain a collection of JSON schemas that can be used to validate ALTO protocol messages in different versions: https://github.com/openalto/alto-jsonschema All the JSON schemas use version 7 JSON Schema notation. So far, all the published RFCs (RFC7285, RFC8189, RFC8895, RFC8896) have been included. The working drafts that are close to being published are on the way. Note that each ALTO message format may have multiple versions of JSON schemas, because multiple standards may extend the same message format. For example, 1. RFC7285 defines ReqFilteredCostMap, and RFC8189 extends it and modifies the validation condition. The following ReqFilteredCostMap message can only pass the validation by JSON schemas applying RFC8189. The RFC7285 version JSON schema will raise an error about "the required field cost-type is missing". ~~~ { "multi-cost-types": [ {"cost-mode": "numerical", "cost-metric": "routingcost"}, {"cost-mode": "numerical", "cost-metric": "shoesize"} ], "pids" : { "srcs" : [ ], "dsts" : [ ] } } ~~~ 2. RFC7285 defines InfoResourceCostMap, and RFC8896 extends it. The RFC7285 version JSON schema will ignore "meta/calendar-response-attributes" and pass the validation of the following InfoResourceCostMap message, while the RFC8896 version schema will raise an error about "meta/calendar-response-attributes should be an array". ~~~ { "meta" : { "dependent-vtags" : [ { "resource-id": "my-default-network-map", "tag": "3ee2cb7e8d63d9fab71b9b34cbf764436315542e" } ], "cost-type" : { "cost-mode" : "numerical", "cost-metric" : "throughputrating" }, "calendar-response-attributes" : {} }, "cost-map" : { "PID1": { "PID1": [ 1, 12, 14, 18, 14, 14, 14, 18, 19, 20, 11, 12], "PID2": [13, 4, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 11, 12, 13, 14], "PID3": [20, 20, 18, 14, 12, 12, 14, 14, 12, 12, 14, 16] } } } ~~~ The README file shows the link to each version of the JSON schema file. Also, the `examples` directory includes all the JSON format ALTO message examples appearing in RFCs. There is an online validator demo that you can use to try the schemas: https://openalto.github.io/alto-jsonschema/ I hope it will be helpful for others. Also, welcome to extend / correct / improve it. Best, Jensen
- [alto] ALTO JSON Schema Collection Jensen Zhang