[alto] Discussion on the future of ALTO WG

mohamed.boucadair@orange.com Wed, 22 March 2023 08:09 UTC

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From: mohamed.boucadair@orange.com
To: IETF ALTO <alto@ietf.org>
CC: Qin Wu <bill.wu@huawei.com>, Martin Duke <martin.h.duke@gmail.com>
Thread-Topic: Discussion on the future of ALTO WG
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Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2023 08:09:09 +0000
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Hi all,

As the WG is about to finalize the last chartered items, we would like to have a discussion on the future of the WG with all of you. We will also have a slot during the IETF#116 meeting on this matter. The plan is to let this discussion open for the coming two months (i.e., ** till end of May **).

Please note that we are also planning to organize a set of interims (mostly in replacement of the weekly meetings). Announcements should follow soon.

Together with Qin, we discussed the following two options:

# Proposal # 1: Support ATLO Operations
## Rationale

  *   Many I-Ds are being proposed to ALTO.
  *   Some deployments/products are being disclosed.
  *   Having a referent WG is a signal that the IETF is ready to support operations and fix flaws/limitations that will be reported.
  *   ALTO integration complications were out of the scope. Documenting those with a set of deployment choices may be a helper for other deployments.
  *   There is constant engagement and dedication of a core team to deliver ALTO specs.
## Proposed direction of work

  *   Recharter the WG with a focus on ALTO maintenance and integration with data sources. Dedicated YANG modules will be produced.

# Proposal # 2: Revitalize ALTO
## Rationale

  *   Some of the proposed ALTO work is research-oriented (PANRG, would be more appropriate for some items), while other may be conducted in new WGs (e.g., CATS).
  *   Some of the key foundations of ATLO might not be valid after 15 years.
  *   Closing the WG is not a failure, but a sign of ALTO specification maturity.
  *   Revitalizing the ALTO effort is thus needed.
## Proposed direction of work

  *   Consider closing ALTO right after the completion of OAM/Transport items.
  *   Move ALTO maintenance to TSVWG.
  *   Use the ALTO/TSVWG mailing lists to socialize deployment experience.
  *   Based on the maintenance that might be shown in TSVWG and shared deployments, reassess the interest of the community in enriching ALTO with additional features by organizing a formal BoF.

We are seeking for the WG feedback/preference for each of these two options. Specifically, feel free to challenge the rationales above, propose concrete action items for #1, disclose ALTO products developments you are aware of, etc.

Absent sufficient engagement, the ** default that the Chairs will formally discuss with our AD is Proposal #2 **.

FWIW, we expect this discussion to be an input for Martin, as we do have the following in the current charter:

  Furthermore, the Area Director and chairs will assess the state of the
  deliverables at the end of 2022. If the Area Director judges that delivery of
  these documents is not imminent, and that documentation of wide deployment is
  missing, the AD may close the working group immediately.

Thank you.

Qin & Med


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