[alto] Yangdoctors early review of draft-ietf-alto-oam-yang-06
Andy Bierman via Datatracker <noreply@ietf.org> Tue, 04 April 2023 01:12 UTC
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From: Andy Bierman via Datatracker <noreply@ietf.org>
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Subject: [alto] Yangdoctors early review of draft-ietf-alto-oam-yang-06
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Reviewer: Andy Bierman Review result: Almost Ready # Review: draft-ietf-alto-oam-yang-06.txt ## module ietf-alto - General: - very well written - large module but quite understandable for implementors ### List Key Issues - there are 3 list keys that use unconstrained 'string' as the data type - /alto/alto-client/client-id - /alto/alto-server/cost-type/cost-type-name - /alto/alto-server/role/role-name - /alto/alto-server/data-source/source-id - the 'resource-id' is done correctly, using a well-constrained typedef to define the key leaf. - A similar typedef for each of these 3 types is needed. The constraints do not have to be the same. Machine-readable stmts are preferred but description is just as normative as 'pattern'. - the typedef should clarify the following issues: - semantics: - it should be clear if the name has any special meaning or derived from a field defined in a document. - Use 'reference' if possible to define the linkage. - whitespace: - leading or trailing whitespace allowed? - whitespace within the key string value allowed? - zero-length: if not allowed then a minimum length of 1 should be specified. - max-length: - it may be desirable to pick a maximum string length - example with limit: range "1 .. 64"; - without limit: range "1 .. max"; - there are some engineering trade-offs to consider. Details are out of scope here. - allowed characters: - use of plain string means the server is expected to support the entire character set. If this is not what is desired then limit the character set with a pattern or a description-stmt. ### /alto/alto-client - mentioned in sec 5, 5.1, 5.2 - not clear if alto-client and alto-server would be implemented on the same device or expected that a device will implement one container or the other ### /alto/alto-server/logging-system/syslog-params/config-file - It is unusual to have an implementation or OS-specific default value for this sort of parameter. leaf config-file { type inet:uri { pattern 'file:.*'; } default "file:/etc/syslog.conf"; description "The file location of the syslog configuration."; } ### /alto/alto-server/meta - The referenced RFC text is not sufficient to implement this list. - It appears each list entry is a map entry and the meta-key is a JSONString, and meta-value is a JSONValue. - Not clear how arbitrary JSON is encoded here list meta { key "meta-key"; description "Mapping of custom meta information"; reference "Section 8.4.1 of RFC 7285."; leaf meta-key { type string; description "Custom meta key"; } leaf meta-value { type string; mandatory true; description "Custom meta value"; } } - the entire referenced section Meta information is encoded as a map object for flexibility. Specifically, ResponseMeta is defined as: object-map { JSONString -> JSONValue } ResponseMeta; ### /alto/alto-server/auth-client/authentication - this choice is not mandatory and there is no default. - either add a mandatory-stmt, or a default-stmt, or explain what should happen if no authentication method is configured. ### /alto/alto-server/data-source/source-params - Not much guidance or description on this placeholder choice. I understand you do not want to reference the 'example' YANG modules that augment this choice. - Please add a reference or description mentioning the section in this RFC that explains the source params augmentation model. choice source-params { description "Data source specific configuration."; } ### grouping algorithm - Same comment as source-params. - Provide reference or other guidance how this mandatory empty choice is used. grouping algorithm { description "This grouping defines the base data model for information resource creation algorithm."; choice algorithm { mandatory true; description "Information resource creation algorithm to be augmented."; } } ### /alto/alto-server/data-source/feed-interval - Add a units statement - Is value zero allowed? If so what does it mean? If not then use a range-stmt ### /alto/alto-server/data-source/poll-interval - Add a units statement - Is value zero allowed? If so what does it mean? If not then use a range-stmt ### /alto/alto-server/resource/alto-costmap-params/cost-type-names - Why is the type 'string' instead of a leafref to /alto/alto-server/cost-type/cost-type-name? - Do not use a plural name for a leaf-list. (Use cost-type-name here) ### /alto/alto-server/resource/alto-costmap-params/testable-cost-type-names - Why is the type 'string' instead of a leafref to /alto/alto-server/cost-type/cost-type-name? - Do not use a plural name for a leaf-list. ### /alto/alto-server/resource/alto-endpointprop-params/prop-types - Is there some other YANG data structure that this list of property types references? - What are the allowed values for this string? Add a reference or description. - Do not use a plural name for a leaf-list. leaf-list prop-types { type string; min-elements 1; description "Supported endpoint properties."; } ## module ietf-alto-stats ### container for statistics - Suggest using a container (e.g., 'statistics') instead of adding this many counter leafs directly to a list entry. This makes retrieval of all counters easier. - augment "/alto:alto/alto:alto-server" - augment "/alto:alto/alto:alto-server/alto:resource" ### 5 minute counters - Should be type gauge64, not counter64 because the value can go down. - num-total-last-req - num-total-last-succ - num-total-last-fail ### size counters - Should be type uint64, not counter64 because the value is a size. - res-mem-size - res-enc-size ### update event counters - It is not clear what the correct data type should be. Not counter64. - num-event-max - num-event-min - Are these leafs maintained over a 5 minute interval perhaps? Then they should be gauge64. - The procedure to determine min and max should be specified or referenced. ## Example modules ### Leafref Typedefs - There should be typedefs defined in ietf-alto to simplify usage in an extension module. - source-datastore - top-name - Example: source-datastore leaf source-datastore { type leafref { path '/alto:alto/alto:alto-server/alto:data-source' + '/alto:source-id'; } - Add a typedef to ietf-alto.yang typedef data-source-ref { type leafref { path '/alto:alto/alto:alto-server/alto:data-source' + '/alto:source-id'; } } - Change the leaf to use the typedef leaf source-datastore { type alto:data-source-ref; } - The topo-name leafref definition should be a typedef. It is not clear which module should define the typedef. leaf topo-name { type leafref { path '/alto:alto/alto:alto-server/alto:data-source' + '[alto:source-id = current()/../source-datastore]' + '/alto-ds:yang-datastore-source-params' + '/alto-ds:target-paths/alto-ds:name'; } description "The name of the IETF layer 3 unicast topology."; }
- [alto] Yangdoctors early review of draft-ietf-alt… Andy Bierman via Datatracker
- Re: [alto] Yangdoctors early review of draft-ietf… Jensen Zhang
- Re: [alto] Yangdoctors early review of draft-ietf… Andy Bierman