[Anima-bootstrap] Does discovery include the domain?
"Michael Behringer (mbehring)" <mbehring@cisco.com> Tue, 08 November 2016 14:29 UTC
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From: "Michael Behringer (mbehring)" <mbehring@cisco.com>
To: "Max Pritikin (pritikin)" <pritikin@cisco.com>
Thread-Topic: Does discovery include the domain?
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Cc: Michael Richardson <mcr+ietf@sandelman.ca>, "anima-bootstrap@ietf.org" <anima-bootstrap@ietf.org>
Subject: [Anima-bootstrap] Does discovery include the domain?
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From "Re: [Anima-bootstrap] Detailed BRSKI review, part 1", Max' email from 20 Oct: > > In the reference model we state that if a pledge has been rejected by a > domain, it should preferably use other domains that are seen. We may want > to add something at the end of 3.1.1. This is also the reason why the pledge > needs to know if the Registrar has rejected it based on MASA input. > > CONCERN: Discovery doesn’t include a secure statement of the domain > identity. So this behavior would imply something like “if the TLS > authentication results in a domain that has explicitely rejected the Pledge > previously then the attempt immediately fails and no request is initiated” in > section 5? Not straightforward. Up to now the pledge only knows it's rejected, not why. So this goes back to the discussion about a feedback to the pledge, which, as MichaelR pointed out, is not easy. But I think we need to be clear about it. We agree that "discovery doesn't include a *secure* statement of the domain". But I seem to recall that some folks were in favour of not including the domain info at all, for privacy / security reasons? Or should we include the domain info in the discovery announcements of the proxy? Did we have a conclusion on that? Michael
- [Anima-bootstrap] Does discovery include the doma… Michael Behringer (mbehring)