Re: [Anima-bootstrap] BRSKI doc updates for -04
Brian E Carpenter <> Sat, 29 October 2016 00:24 UTC
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To: "Max Pritikin (pritikin)" <>, "" <>
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From: Brian E Carpenter <>
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Date: Sat, 29 Oct 2016 13:24:07 +1300
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Subject: Re: [Anima-bootstrap] BRSKI doc updates for -04
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Hi, I object strongly to the unchanged formulation of section 3.1.1 (Discovery). It mandates DNS-SD when IMHO it should mandate either DNS-SD or a GRASP based method, as we discussed in Berlin. As I've said a few times, I don't really care whether the GRASP method is based on the Flood mechanism or the Discovery/Synchronize mechanism, or a Discovery/Negotiate mechanism as Michael R proposed. But we look collectively foolish if we do not use a GRASP mechanism within the AN environment. At least, I want to see a place holder for this in the -04 draft. Basically it would look like [the pledge] b. MUST: either b1. Performs DNS-based Service Discovery [RFC6763]... or b2. Performs GRASP-based Discovery [details TBD since we are out of time] and appropriate text somwhere about what the proxy does (i.e. MUST support both discovery methods). In 3.2.1 (CoAP connection to Registrar) there is a passing reference to GRASP, without a citation, and the same for the ACP, without a citation. At the minimum those need to cite the relevant drafts. There's the same choice for how the proxy discovers the registrar (Flood, Discovery/Synchronize or Discovery/Negotiate). Also, the ACP isn't mandatory for GRASP - we could use Synchronize or Negotiate securely via TLS, if we had to. Regards Brian On 29/10/2016 11:50, Max Pritikin (pritikin) wrote: > > Folks, I’ve been making changes toward pushing out an update this weekend. If you have last minute comments or wish to verify that design team discussion have been captured please take a look at the github version. > > A current build -04 preliminary version is, as always, located here: > > > If you have comments please try to include specific changes. > > I will be pushing this by the Oct 31st deadline. > > - max > _______________________________________________ > Anima-bootstrap mailing list > > >
- [Anima-bootstrap] BRSKI doc updates for -04 Max Pritikin (pritikin)
- Re: [Anima-bootstrap] BRSKI doc updates for -04 Brian E Carpenter
- Re: [Anima-bootstrap] BRSKI doc updates for -04 Max Pritikin (pritikin)