[Anima] Call for agenda ANIMA @ IETF 108, online

Sheng Jiang <jiangsheng@huawei.com> Fri, 10 July 2020 07:51 UTC

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From: Sheng Jiang <jiangsheng@huawei.com>
To: "anima@ietf.org" <anima@ietf.org>
CC: "anima-chairs@ietf.org" <anima-chairs@ietf.org>, Toerless Eckert <tte@cs.fau.de>
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Hi, all anima,

We have been allocated a sessions of 1 hour 40 minutes for the ANIMA WG meeting for IETF-108 (online). It is on Thursday, July 30, 2020, 11:00-12:40 (UTC). We are now starting to collect agenda items for the session. Please send your request for agenda by July 21th, Tuesday, to anima-chairs@ietf.org and both chairs' email. Please note that email to a single chair may cause single-point failure.

As normal, the priority among these non-charter work items would be: these that have active discussion in mail list, then these have submitted drafts, and topics without drafts.

Please send us (anima-chairs at ietf.org) requests for time slot by July 21th, Tuesday and include:

Name of time slot:

Name of draft(s):

Time requested:

Presenter name(s):

More details about the IETF 108 can be found at:


Again, presenters and draft authors please invoke active discussions in the ANIMA list. Mail list is a very good place to discuss and reach consensus on technical issues.

Best regards,

Sheng + Toerless