[apps-discuss] URI registrywas: Re: The state of 'afs' URi scheme
"Martin J. Dürst" <duerst@it.aoyama.ac.jp> Wed, 09 February 2011 03:32 UTC
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Cc: "public-iri@w3.org" <public-iri@w3.org>, apps-discuss@ietf.org
Subject: [apps-discuss] URI registrywas: Re: The state of 'afs' URi scheme
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I'm cc'ing the IRI WG list. One of the deliverables of the IRI WG is an update of RFC 4395. You can see the current version at http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-iri-4395bis-irireg-00. Given that there is a WG chartered to work on these issues, I suggest to move the discussion there. Regards, Martin. On 2011/02/08 20:16, t.petch wrote: > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Larry Masinter"<masinter@adobe.com> > To: "Ben Niven-Jenkins"<ben@niven-jenkins.co.uk>; "Mykyta Yevstifeyev" > <evnikita2@gmail.com> > Cc:<apps-discuss@ietf.org> > Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2011 5:46 AM > >> I think in general the overhead in maintaining current information about old > registered values is too high, and that it *is* worth time thinking about how we > could lower the overhead for registry maintenance. >> >> There are a number of related issues raised about various registered values, > including MIME type, charset, and URI schemes. >> >> Ideally a registry is a place where a new implementor can go to discover both > the theory and current practice for use of registered values on the internet. I > think the current processes cope OK with theory (although the overhead of > updating the registry when there is a new spec is high, it might be acceptable) > but not with practice (where implementation and deployment sometimes is in > advance of, or divergent from, the formal specs). >> >> The situation is more acute in areas where protocols and formats are > undergoing rapid development. >> >> So I agree that writing a document marking 'afs' as 'obsolete' is make-work > and not-worth anyone's time, but how could we make it easier (light-weight > annotation) without subjecting ourselves to DOS of unreliable annotation? > > The problem, at least for URI, is RFC4395, which gives the procedures for new > schemes > and failed to consider old schemes. RFC1738 did not make afs: provisional or > historic, > it merely asked that the name be reserved. IANA, arguably incorrectly, places > afs: under > Provisional citing RFC1738 as its source. But RFC1738 does not tell them to do > that! > > So, arguably, we could tell IANA to create a provisional registry as RFC1738 > told them to > and make it light weight, no need for IETF/IESG involvement unless and until a > move > to Provisional or Permanent is envisaged, using Expert Review in other cases of > change. > (I know of no other way of changing things in the IETF, which is what I see as a > constraint > we have to accept). > > Or we could write a just-once catch-all RFC that picks up all these old ones, > and defines > a procedure for them (ie not a registration, but a procedure for registration, > such as > reinforcing the need for a Reserved category and placing those in it that should > always have > been in it). > > Tom Petch > >> Larry >> > > _______________________________________________ > apps-discuss mailing list > apps-discuss@ietf.org > https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/apps-discuss > > -- #-# Martin J. Dürst, Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University #-# http://www.sw.it.aoyama.ac.jp mailto:duerst@it.aoyama.ac.jp
- Re: [apps-discuss] The state of 'afs' URi scheme Mykyta Yevstifeyev
- Re: [apps-discuss] The state of 'afs' URi scheme Roy T. Fielding
- Re: [apps-discuss] The state of 'afs' URi scheme Mykyta Yevstifeyev
- Re: [apps-discuss] The state of 'afs' URi scheme Roy T. Fielding
- Re: [apps-discuss] The state of 'afs' URi scheme Mykyta Yevstifeyev
- Re: [apps-discuss] The state of 'afs' URi scheme Paul Hoffman
- Re: [apps-discuss] The state of 'afs' URi scheme Julian Reschke
- Re: [apps-discuss] The state of 'afs' URi scheme Alexey Melnikov
- Re: [apps-discuss] The state of 'afs' URi scheme Roy T. Fielding
- Re: [apps-discuss] The state of 'afs' URi scheme Mykyta Yevstifeyev
- Re: [apps-discuss] The state of 'afs' URi scheme Ben Niven-Jenkins
- Re: [apps-discuss] The state of 'afs' URi scheme Lars Eggert
- Re: [apps-discuss] The state of 'afs' URi scheme Mykyta Yevstifeyev
- Re: [apps-discuss] The state of 'afs' URi scheme Ben Niven-Jenkins
- Re: [apps-discuss] The state of 'afs' URi scheme Mykyta Yevstifeyev
- Re: [apps-discuss] The state of 'afs' URi scheme Barry Leiba
- Re: [apps-discuss] The state of 'afs' URi scheme t.petch
- Re: [apps-discuss] The state of 'afs' URi scheme t.petch
- Re: [apps-discuss] The state of 'afs' URi scheme Ben Niven-Jenkins
- Re: [apps-discuss] The state of 'afs' URi scheme John Levine
- Re: [apps-discuss] The state of 'afs' URi scheme Mykyta Yevstifeyev
- Re: [apps-discuss] The state of 'afs' URi scheme Larry Masinter
- Re: [apps-discuss] The state of 'afs' URi scheme t.petch
- Re: [apps-discuss] The state of 'afs' URi scheme Mykyta Yevstifeyev
- Re: [apps-discuss] The state of 'afs' URi scheme Tony Hansen
- [apps-discuss] URI registrywas: Re: The state of … Martin J. Dürst
- Re: [apps-discuss] The state of 'afs' URi scheme Alexey Melnikov
- Re: [apps-discuss] The state of 'afs' URi scheme Mykyta Yevstifeyev
- Re: [apps-discuss] The state of 'afs' URi scheme t.petch
- Re: [apps-discuss] URI registrywas: Re: The state… t.petch
- Re: [apps-discuss] URI registry (was: Re: The sta… Martin J. Dürst
- Re: [apps-discuss] URI registry Alexey Melnikov
- Re: [apps-discuss] URI registry Graham Klyne
- Re: [apps-discuss] URI registry Tony Hansen
- Re: [apps-discuss] URI registry Martin J. Dürst