Re: [apps-discuss] Revised DMARC working group charter proposal

Dave Crocker <> Thu, 18 April 2013 16:12 UTC

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On 4/16/2013 6:23 PM, Scott Kitterman wrote:
> On Tuesday, April 16, 2013 08:37:10 AM Dave Crocker wrote:
>> On 4/15/2013 8:58 PM, Scott Kitterman wrote:
>>> 1.  How about this?
>>> 2.  Not quite, here are some alternatives we could discuss.
>>> 1.  I quit.
>>> that's hardly a negotiation.
>> 1. The exchange was more elaborate than that,
>> 2. The lockout imagine is striking and entirely inapplicable, since
>> there is no pre-existing relationship, nevermind an employer/employee one.
> Right.  It's an analogy and like all analogy is imperfect.


An analogy is supposed to demonstrate core properties that match the 
situation.  Similarly:

> Also imperfect, but perhaps less orthogonal might be the analogy of the kid
> that shows up at the playground with a cool new toy and stomps off and goes
> home when the other kids won't play with the toy precisely according to his
> rules.

entirely misses the point of what is currently happening.

The current exchange has had more of the flavor of:

    A:    How about X.
    B&C:  That's unacceptable, so do alternatives Y or Z.
    A:    Here are the reasons those alternatives don't match the
          current situation and here are the distinctive characteristics
          of the current situation.
    B&C:  Do Y or Z
    {rinse repeat}
    A:    OK, how about A.
    B&C:  Do Y or Z

After some iterations in this model, it become clear that the 
negotiation isn't a negotiation.

Until you and Stephen engage in discussing the substance of the 
responses you've been getting, there isn't a meaningful discussion 


  Dave Crocker
  Brandenburg InternetWorking