[apps-discuss] RFC 1738 is made obsolete by what?

"Paul E. Jones" <paulej@packetizer.com> Wed, 25 May 2016 20:08 UTC

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Subject: [apps-discuss] RFC 1738 is made obsolete by what?
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RFC 1738 has been made obsolete, but the data that the RFC editor is 
provided (and as shown on tools) is that this document was made obsolete 
by the telnet and gopher URL schemes.  Surely that wasn't the message 
that was intended to be conveyed.  See: 

Wouldn't it be correct to say that this was made obsolete by 2396, which 
was then made obsolete by 3986?

If I'm correct, then I think the "Obsoleted By" information is 
misleading.  If I'm wrong, then I'm entirely confused and I still assert 
that it's misleading :-)

Is there a process to clarify this?
