[apps-discuss] For consideration as an appsawg document: draft-hoffman-server-has-tls-03.txt
Paul Hoffman <paul.hoffman@vpnc.org> Mon, 17 January 2011 02:39 UTC
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Greetings again. I would like this WG to consider adopting the following draft as a WG item. It is definitely apps-related, and there is no other appropriate WG in the Applications or Security areas for it. It has been discussed in the websec WG, but that WG is limited to HTTP only (and this document covers TLS for all application protocols). FWIW, some of the topics in this draft are quite open for active discussion. The discussion in websec brought up some interesting issues, but they got discussed in the HTTP context only, and this WG would be a better place to discuss them for all server protocols. --Paul Hoffman A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts directories. Title : Specifying That a Server Supports TLS Author(s) : P. Hoffman Filename : draft-hoffman-server-has-tls-03.txt Pages : 8 Date : 2011-01-16 A server that hosts applications that can be run with or without TLS may want to communicate with clients whether the server is hosting an application only using TLS or also hosting the application without TLS. Many clients have a policy to try to set up a TLS session but fall back to insecure if the TLS session cannot be set up. If the server can securely communicate whether or not it can fall back to insecure tells such a client whether or not they should even try to set up an insecure session with the server. This document describes the use cases for this type of communication and a secure method for communicating that information. A URL for this Internet-Draft is: http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-hoffman-server-has-tls-03.txt
- [apps-discuss] For consideration as an appsawg do… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [apps-discuss] For consideration as an appsaw… Barry Leiba
- Re: [apps-discuss] For consideration as an appsaw… Eliot Lear
- Re: [apps-discuss] For consideration as an appsaw… Patrik Fältström
- Re: [apps-discuss] For consideration as an appsaw… Benson Schliesser
- Re: [apps-discuss] For consideration as an appsaw… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [apps-discuss] For consideration as an appsaw… Peter Saint-Andre
- Re: [apps-discuss] For consideration as an appsaw… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [apps-discuss] For consideration as an appsaw… Eliot Lear
- Re: [apps-discuss] For consideration as an appsaw… Benson Schliesser
- Re: [apps-discuss] For consideration as an appsaw… Barry Leiba