Re: [apps-discuss] draft-ietf-appsawg-about-uri-scheme

"Mykyta Yevstifeyev (М. Євстіфеєв)" <> Mon, 21 November 2011 11:31 UTC

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Subject: Re: [apps-discuss] draft-ietf-appsawg-about-uri-scheme
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20.11.2011 10:14, Alexey Melnikov wrote:
> On 14/11/2011 19:12, "Mykyta Yevstifeyev (М. Євстіфеєв)" wrote:
>> Hello,
>> From minutes:
>>> 09:05 draft-ietf-appsawg-about-uri-scheme (chairs)
>>> Room consensus for registry to be FCFS with minimal doc via template.
>> That is what the WG reached at the previous meeting and what is not 
>> there currently is in the doc.  Before it became a WG item, the 
>> authors, ADs and me did have a discussion on this point, but there 
>> was no agreement - that's why it became WG item.  What I actually 
>> think is that FCFS should be appropriate, but there is no point of 
>> adding a registry entry given no specification available whereas the 
>> MUST restriction is imposed.  Recently Barry has sent me the 
>> following proposal: to have the policy FCFS but make specification 
>> reference mandatory for registration.  Therefore, if there is nobody 
>> who objects, I may change the following text in IANA Considerations:
>> OLD:
>>>     The registration policy for new entries is "Specification 
>>> Required",
>>>     as defined in RFC 5226 [RFC5226].  Additionally, the following
>>>     template MUST be provided by the registrant:
>> NEW:
>>>     The registration policy for new entries is "First Come First 
>>> Served",
>>>     as defined in RFC 5226 [RFC5226].  Additionally, the following
>>>     template MUST be provided by the registrant:
>> OLD:
>>>     o Published specifications:  A reference to the published
>>>       specification for the registered token.
>> NEW:
>>>     o Published specifications:  A reference to the stable 
>>> specification
>>>       MUST be provided.
> I think allowing for specifications in an email message to IANA (or 
> similar) should be sufficient, as long as IANA archives a copy of the 
> registration on their website.

This can't be allowed as we need to provide a specification in terms of 
what is defined by Section 7 of RFC 2026.  Whenever the special-purpose 
URI is defined, we should ensure that it is the part of some 
standardization effort by some organization, and not me wanting to 
register "about:yevstifeyev" mandatory displaying my name (that's 
actually why I still like Specification required with DE involved, but 
must follow community consensus on this.)

Mykyta Yevstifeyev

> Otherwise this looks Ok.
>>> The specification SHALL cover what the SPU
>>>       with the token being registered ought to resolve to, and SHOULD
>>>       cover other issues related to SPU usage.
>> Any comments are welcome.