[apps-discuss] Feedback on draft-ietf-appsawg-json-pointer-00
Mike Acar <macar@cloudmark.com> Thu, 01 March 2012 20:15 UTC
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Hi, I've been asked to review the JSON Pointer and Patch draft RFCs. I've had some discussion about them off-list, and have been advised to bring my issues to the list. And so, I am. :) I've scanned the archived list discussion of the patch and pointer RFCs, so I don't think these issues have come up here already. Let me know if they have. The first issue is comparing Unicode strings. Section 4 of http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-appsawg-json-pointer-00 says If the currently referenced value is a JSON object, the new referenced value is the object member with the name identified by the reference token. That is, if the reference token equals the name of some value within the object, move to that value. However, the tokens and values are Unicode strings; I'm not an expert in Unicode, but my impression is that testing Unicode strings for equality is not as simple as comparing sequences of bytes. For example, there are linguistic considerations: I believe German ö and oe are considered identical. There's also the question of JSON documents with different encodings; UTF8 is the default, but UTF-16 and -32 with both endiannesses are also supported. Presumably this question will disappear in practice, since implementations will operate on deserialized data structures, not on JSON texts. Could somebody with more expertise in this area comment? Perhaps this is all a solved problem, and the Pointer RFC simply needs to pick a normalization method and equality definition - or perhaps it's all so well-settled I'm seeing a problem where there is none. Another issue is that the evaluation scheme implies some application semantics. Again, section 4: If a reference token is being evaluated against a concrete JSON document, the implementation MAY evaluate each token against a concrete value, and terminate evaluation with an error condition if a evaluation fails to resolve a concrete value. It's easy to imagine a case where a Pointer refers to a deep hierarchy, e.g. /a/b/c/d, and the application semantics of following it are to create automatically any non-existent intermediate objects. My initial thought was that the Pointer RFC should explicitly say that specs which use it (e.g. Patch) should define semantics for ambiguous cases (non-unique or non-existent member names, array index out of bounds, etc). That can still result in a user of Pointer having to implement it himself, if there are no implementations which offer him precisely what he needs. Is it preferrable to explicitly say "You must make these decisions for your use case" instead of "Behavior in these cases is undefined"? -- Mike Acar - - macar at cloudmark dot com
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- Re: [apps-discuss] Feedback on draft-ietf-appsawg… Mike Acar
- Re: [apps-discuss] Feedback on draft-ietf-appsawg… Mike Acar
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