Re: [apps-discuss] NEW RELATION: property and context

"Markus Lanthaler" <> Tue, 28 May 2013 22:57 UTC

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On Monday, May 27, 2013 9:28 AM, Ioseb Dzmanashvili wrote:

> My RDF knowledge is rudimentary, but what i can say for sure the
> "context" link relation and "@context" from JSON-LD are different
> things.

Of course. I just mentioned it because they use exactly the same terminology and I was not the only one to be confused by this.

> Here is what JSON-LD[1] documentation says: "The secret lies
> in the @context, which instructs Linked Data-aware processors on how
> to interpret the JSON object." which is not the case for the "context"
> link relation... it's much simpler and must be used to indicate that a
> resource is a member of another resource and only in cases when we do
> not have collection/item relationships.

Sorry, I don't understand this. It indicates that resource I is a member of a resource C but only if resource I is not an item of collection C!? In which case then? Aren't you contradicting yourself?

> For example if i share
> resource URI which is a member of another resource i can use the
> "context" link rel to inform processing agent that shared resource is
> a member of another resource.

Unfortunately, this doesn't make it any clearer to me.

> > How do you know which link to follow in your apps? Do you do that
> > based on the title attribute?
> No, title attribute is only used for user interfaces i do not think
> anyone uses it for other purposes. In my apps i only use rel attribute
> values to decide which link to follow.

As Erik already clarified in another thread I'm interested in how your application is able to select the correct link to follow if you have multiple links, e.g.:

Link: </propertyA>; rel="property"; title="Property A"
Link: </propertyB>; rel="property"; title="Property B"
Link: </propertyC>; rel="property"; title="Property C"

Since there's no other information than the rel and the title (and the URL) you obviously would have to program against the title. If you need another rel as you showed in the other thread:

> Link: </book;title>; rel="property";
>       title="Human friendly text here..."

Then why do you need "property"? Isn't all you need then?

Markus Lanthaler