Re: [apps-discuss] A modest proposal for MIME types (and URI schemes)

Nico Williams <> Mon, 14 November 2011 19:06 UTC

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Subject: Re: [apps-discuss] A modest proposal for MIME types (and URI schemes)
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On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 1:09 AM, "Martin J. Dürst"
<> wrote:
> On 2011/11/14 3:59, Larry Masinter wrote:
>> * Eliminate standards, vendor, personal trees distinction for MIME types
>> (For URI schemes, eliminate distinction between provisional and permanent
>> schemes)
>> * ENCOURAGE vendors to ship with vendor-neutral short-named types
>> regardless of whether they have been registered yet or not;
> I think that makes sense for something widely known and used (e.g.
> application/pdf), but not necessarily for some really company-specific type.
> (Of course, we don't know in advance which way something may go in the end,
> but we could use this rule at least for when the company e.g. wants to
> express that a type is NOT intended for general use).

I'm not sure what "really company-specific type" means.  Not to be
leaked on the public Internet?  Even so, and even assuming there's an
enormous number of private-use-only media types (I doubt it), what's
the reason to not encourage registration of them?

>> * DO NOT try to avoid duplicates
> I'm not sure this makes sense. I think it would make sense if it read "give
> up on trying to avoid duplicates at all cost". But it almost reads like
> "let's have many duplicates, this will be fun".

I think we should discourage collisions, but the very existence of the
registry does that.  If a collision arose from registry avoidance, and
implementations have been deployed widely, then what more can we do
but accept it?

>> * EXPERT REVIEW for updates to existing registrations
>> * Eliminate any IESG or consensus review requirement
>> "There is absolutely no need to prevent name collisions in the registry
>> itself because those collisions are irrelevant -- what matters is how the
>> names are interpreted by recipients of messages."

If two implementations interpret the same media type name to mean
different things and thus fail to interop, *that* is a collision.
Collisions are bad, but I don't think it's necessary to avoid them at
all costs, since collisions are hardly fatal (the market will pick a
winner, or implementors will disambiguate in some other manner, such
as by content sniffing).

> Well, but isn't one goal of the effort to get the registry to (more closely)
> reflect reality? In this case, if there are two application/foo, and
> applications recognize one and not the other, then there's a disconnect.

If the collision has been deployed, not allowing it to be documented
hardly makes the collision go away.
