[apps-discuss] draft-gregorio-uritemplate (was: Minutes for AppsAWG and Apps Area General Session, IETF 82)
Graham Klyne <GK@ninebynine.org> Mon, 14 November 2011 10:10 UTC
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Subject: [apps-discuss] draft-gregorio-uritemplate (was: Minutes for AppsAWG and Apps Area General Session, IETF 82)
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On 14/11/2011 04:35, Barry Leiba wrote: > I've posted minutes on the meeting materials site. Find them here: > http://www.ietf.org/proceedings/82/minutes/appsawg.txt Noting: [[ 09:35 draft-gregorio-uritemplate (Nottingham) Ted Hardie: This is useful, but has been around for a while, with different authors. Need to get this done soon, so it doesn't languish again. ]] Yes please! I'm currently working on a W3C spec that intends to cite this. I assumed it was about to go LC. #g --
- [apps-discuss] Minutes for AppsAWG and Apps Area … Barry Leiba
- [apps-discuss] draft-gregorio-uritemplate (was: M… Graham Klyne
- [apps-discuss] draft-nordman-classification (was:… Graham Klyne
- Re: [apps-discuss] draft-gregorio-uritemplate (wa… Murray S. Kucherawy
- Re: [apps-discuss] draft-gregorio-uritemplate Peter Saint-Andre
- Re: [apps-discuss] draft-gregorio-uritemplate Murray S. Kucherawy
- Re: [apps-discuss] draft-gregorio-uritemplate Peter Saint-Andre