Re: [apps-discuss] New appsawg documents
Barry Leiba <> Wed, 31 August 2011 17:25 UTC
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Subject: Re: [apps-discuss] New appsawg documents
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> I want the process of producing an RFC to be challenging, to demonstrate > that there is support for this as an RFC and that there has been adequate > review. Asking for approval for seven I-Ds in three days does limit the > likely review, and indeed, I see that one I-D has already progressed > before even those three days are up, but I am not suggesting you extend it. Maybe you misunderstand the note that started this. No one has asked for approval for *any* documents. We've asked to hear objections to having the working group *process* the documents. They still all have to get review and go through the same process they would have gone through as individual submissions -- but with *more* oversight and attention. How do you think that will cheapen the process? We're also not handling seven at the same time. My note said that we'd focus on three first, and each of those will progress at its own pace. And be assured that any documents that have insufficient review and support will not make it to the ADs. That some have already "progressed" just means that we've given them working-group names. If the working group decides not to handle any document, either by explicit decision or by neglect and lack of support, that document can still fail. Further, most of these documents have already had significant review, comment, and discussion, some on this list and some elsewhere. I'd really prefer to see effort put into discussion of the documents, rather than into meta-discussion of the working group. If, in the end, someone thinks that a document either got a "free pass" by being handled by the working group, or got mired in process that it would have avoided as an individual submission, we'd all like to hear about it then. If it turns out that this working group isn't helping to do things right, we can and will shut it down. Barry
- [apps-discuss] New appsawg documents Barry Leiba
- Re: [apps-discuss] New appsawg documents Mykyta Yevstifeyev
- Re: [apps-discuss] New appsawg documents Barry Leiba
- Re: [apps-discuss] New appsawg documents t.petch
- Re: [apps-discuss] New appsawg documents Murray S. Kucherawy
- Re: [apps-discuss] New appsawg documents Barry Leiba
- Re: [apps-discuss] New appsawg documents Peter Saint-Andre
- Re: [apps-discuss] New appsawg documents Barry Leiba
- Re: [apps-discuss] New appsawg documents t.petch
- Re: [apps-discuss] New appsawg documents Alexey Melnikov
- Re: [apps-discuss] New appsawg documents Barry Leiba
- Re: [apps-discuss] New appsawg documents t.petch
- Re: [apps-discuss] New appsawg documents Jiankang Yao