[apps-discuss] Comparisons in the CBOR draft
Paul Hoffman <paul.hoffman@vpnc.org> Mon, 27 May 2013 16:31 UTC
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Greetings again. Based on the requests here last week, we will be adding a section to the CBOR draft briefly discussing some major existing formats with respect to their major properties and the design goals for CBOR. We already have sections for ASN.1 DER/BER, MessagePack, and BSON. Are there other formats people would like to see in the list? What are people's favorite streaming-capable JSON-like binary formats? --Paul Hoffman
- [apps-discuss] Comparisons in the CBOR draft Paul Hoffman
- Re: [apps-discuss] Comparisons in the CBOR draft James M Snell
- Re: [apps-discuss] Comparisons in the CBOR draft Dave Crocker