Re: [apps-discuss] Non-English reading lists (was: Re: Request to publish draft-ietf-appsawg-rfc3536bis-02)

Frank Ellermann <> Fri, 10 June 2011 19:16 UTC

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From: Frank Ellermann <>
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2011 21:15:57 +0200
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To: John C Klensin <>
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Cc: Apps Discuss <>
Subject: Re: [apps-discuss] Non-English reading lists (was: Re: Request to publish draft-ietf-appsawg-rfc3536bis-02)
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On 10 June 2011 16:05, John C Klensin wrote:

> A big problem, especially for a BCP or standards-track document,
> is the question of evaluation of the references.

Yes, and actually I could not evaluate anything in your
reading list, because I won't buy books just because
they are mentioned in an I-D I care about, and I'm no
member of any library at the moment.  In essence the
same problem why I don't like ISO standards unless I
find a free online version at ECMA or elsewhere.

> If you want to gather up some people who could do
> (and that includes cross-checking and evaluating)
> a reading list in one or more languages (I'd
> recommend doing it in annotated bibliography form)

Well, no, we discussed the one and only German book
I could contribute to this BCP offlist, and agreed
that adding it does not really help with the issue.

But your I-D still asks for a general solution, and
my proposal would be "RFC fan pages", e.g., a Wiki
based on MediaWiki (but not another Wiki software)
with a page for each RFC, and a "talk" page for the
community.  Or something in this direction cooked
up by the IETF tools folks.  Whatever the solution
is, it should somehow integrate the errata process,
and offer pointers to related RFC xxxx-bis mailing

<dreaming> In an ideal world I could grab the last
SMTP and message format XML versions, fix the known
errata, and send them to the authors for publication
as STD.  Unless the IETF already committed two step
suicide... ;-) </dreaming>
