[apps-discuss] Changes to netnews header registrations

Graham Klyne <gk@ninebynine.org> Fri, 13 May 2016 06:22 UTC

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As reviewer for the IANA message headers registry 
(http://www.iana.org/assignments/message-headers/message-headers.xhtml) I've 
received a request to change references to to rename "[Son-of-1036]" references 
to "[RFC1849]"?  This document is now published as a historic RFC.

I propose to make a recommendation that goes beyond the original request, and as 
such I thought I should submit my proposed recommendation to public review.

I think the requested change is appropriate with respect to the following 
message header fields:


(Did I miss any?)

I also think that RFC5536 should be cited for these headers, as it is this 
document that formally declared them to be obsolete 

While we're at it, I'd suggest also citing RFC5536 for the following header 
fields, also obsoleted by that document 
(https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5536#section-3.3 and #section-6):

     Date-Received        netnews    obsoleted    [RFC0850]
     Posting-Version        netnews    obsoleted    [RFC0850]
     Relay-Version        netnews    obsoleted    [RFC0850]
     NNTP-Posting-Date        netnews    obsoleted
     NNTP-Posting-Host        netnews    obsoleted    [RFC2980]

If I hear no objection within a few days, I'll pass this recommendaton to IANA.
