[apps-discuss] Changes to netnews header registrations
Graham Klyne <gk@ninebynine.org> Fri, 13 May 2016 06:22 UTC
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As reviewer for the IANA message headers registry (http://www.iana.org/assignments/message-headers/message-headers.xhtml) I've received a request to change references to to rename "[Son-of-1036]" references to "[RFC1849]"? This document is now published as a historic RFC. I propose to make a recommendation that goes beyond the original request, and as such I thought I should submit my proposed recommendation to public review. I think the requested change is appropriate with respect to the following message header fields: Also-control Article-names Article-updates See-also (Did I miss any?) I also think that RFC5536 should be cited for these headers, as it is this document that formally declared them to be obsolete (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5536#section-6) While we're at it, I'd suggest also citing RFC5536 for the following header fields, also obsoleted by that document (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5536#section-3.3 and #section-6): Date-Received netnews obsoleted [RFC0850] Posting-Version netnews obsoleted [RFC0850] Relay-Version netnews obsoleted [RFC0850] NNTP-Posting-Date netnews obsoleted NNTP-Posting-Host netnews obsoleted [RFC2980] If I hear no objection within a few days, I'll pass this recommendaton to IANA. #g --
- [apps-discuss] Changes to netnews header registra… Graham Klyne
- Re: [apps-discuss] Changes to netnews header regi… Julien ÉLIE
- Re: [apps-discuss] Changes to netnews header regi… Graham Klyne
- Re: [apps-discuss] [Ietf-message-headers] Changes… Graham Klyne
- Re: [apps-discuss] Changes to netnews header regi… Julien ÉLIE