Re: [apps-discuss] apps-team review of draft-bryan-metalinkhttp-19 (fwd)
Anthony Bryan <> Sat, 29 January 2011 23:43 UTC
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Subject: Re: [apps-discuss] apps-team review of draft-bryan-metalinkhttp-19 (fwd)
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thank you for the review. On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 11:59 AM, Yves Lafon <> wrote: > (Forwarding to apps-discuss & IESG per request) > > -- > Baroula que barouleras, au tiéu toujou t'entourneras. > > ~~Yves > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2011 10:39:59 -0500 (EST) > From: Yves Lafon <> > To: > Cc: Alexey Melnikov <>,, >,,, >, > Subject: apps-team review of draft-bryan-metalinkhttp-19 > > Dear authors, > > I have been selected as the Applications Area Review Team reviewer for > this draft (for background on apps-review, please see > > > Document: draft-bryan-metalinkhttp-19 > Title: Metalink/HTTP: Mirrors and Cryptographic Hashes in HTTP Header Fields > Reviewer: Yves Lafon > Review Date: 2011-01-28 > IETF Last Call Date: 2011-02-18 > > Summary: This draft is almost ready for publication, but has a few small > editorial fixes, and possibly needs some minor clarifications. > > Major Issues: None > > Minor Issues: > > In section 3, > > Remove > [[Some organizations have many mirrors. Only send a few mirrors, or > only use the Link header fields if Want-Digest is used?]] > and add something along the lines of "As some organizations can have many > mirrors, ..." in front of the next paragraph. removed. > Also "network proximity" might be a decision choice for the set of mirrors > that might be returned. added. > In section 3.2 > Did you consider exposing the ASN of the mirror network prefix would be a > good option on top of Geographical Location? It is not uncommon to have > better bandwidth between two countries than between two ISPs in the same > country. no, this can be done internally on the server side though for mirror priority (currently via MirrorBrain w/ mod_asn). Should we mention this in the Mirror Priority section and add a reference to RFC 1930? > In section 6. > << > If Instance Digests are not provided by the Metalink servers, the Link > header fields MUST be ignored. >>> > Clarification about what needs ot be ignored: > "the Link header fields pertaining to this specification MUST be ignored" > to avoid any zealous reading of the text. fixed. > In section 7. > It might be good that if any Ranged requests generated after the first > request ends up with a complete response and not a partial one (as servers > might not support HTTP ranges) then all but the fastest connection must be > closed. The other option would be to add a requirement in 2. that Metalink > servers and mirrors MUST support HTTP Ranges (which would be a better way of > solving the issue). I added "If any Ranged requests generated after the first request ends up with a complete response and not a partial one (as servers might not support HTTP ranges), then all but the fastest connection can be closed. " an earlier draft mentioned that mirrors MUST support HTTP Ranges, but feedback was that this might exclude mirrors. currently it says "Mirror servers SHOULD support serving partial content." we have walked a fine line with not requiring too much on a mirror network so it's less restrictive and more mirrors can join in the mirror pool versus having all the features we want. > Also I noted a dependency on 'draft-ietf-ftpext2-hash' in the Normative > References section. yes, we will remove this unless we want draft-ietf-ftpext2-hash to hold up this document. most likely we will remove it. > Nits: > > In section 3. last paragraph and 7.1.1 6th paragraph, "fieldss" -> "fields" > In section 6. "Cryptographic Hashes of Whole Files", > "Files" might be replaced by "Documents" changed to "Documents". or would "Resources" be better? thanks! -- (( Anthony Bryan ... Metalink [ ] )) Easier, More Reliable, Self Healing Downloads
- [apps-discuss] apps-team review of draft-bryan-me… Yves Lafon
- Re: [apps-discuss] apps-team review of draft-brya… Anthony Bryan