[apps-discuss] Comments on draft-tschofenig-hourglass-00
SM <sm@resistor.net> Tue, 10 July 2012 00:10 UTC
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Date: Mon, 09 Jul 2012 17:09:01 -0700
To: Hannes Tschofenig <Hannes.Tschofenig@gmx.net>
From: SM <sm@resistor.net>
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Cc: apps-discuss@ietf.org
Subject: [apps-discuss] Comments on draft-tschofenig-hourglass-00
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Hi Hannes, [Cc to apps-discuss as it seems like an Area subject] I read draft-tschofenig-hourglass-00. I found it interesting. In Section 7: "The author is, however, struggling with the question whether there is enough evidence to conclude that every protocol design today shall build on HTTP/HTTPS (rather than voluntarily using to use HTTP/HTTPS because of its properties)." I wondered how many IETF specifications are voluntarily being built over HTTP/HTTPS. During the HYBI discussions there was the usual debate about whether to leapfrog over HTTP. MILE used HTTPS on a different port (needs a fact check). WEIRDS seems to be following the HTTP path, do does REPUTE. XMPP has a HTTP angle (Peter, please correct me). RTCWEB followed the HTTP angle. HTTP seems like the "de facto" standard. That would be similar to IP. You used the word "voluntarily". Isn't it like low-hanging fruit? The port is open. There is a wide choice of freely available code. There is experience in getting around middleboxes constraints. The user already has the basic software. Regards, -sm