Re: [aqm] AQM support in the network
Mikael Abrahamsson <> Tue, 19 March 2013 09:41 UTC
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Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2013 10:40:59 +0100
From: Mikael Abrahamsson <>
To: Mirja Kühlewind <>
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Cc:, Brian Trammell <>
Subject: Re: [aqm] AQM support in the network
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On Tue, 19 Mar 2013, Mirja Kühlewind wrote: > Not sure who is subscribed to this list, but as a starting point I would > like to ask anybody who reads this and is in charge of operating any > kind of network (isp, cdn provider, or smaller local networks) to post > to the list, if AQM is used anywhere in the network! I would imagine that most ISPs use AQM on their core links, but this AQM is more WRED kind of AQM, where you have a few queues and place the traffic into each queue based on DSCP/EXP values. This is mostly used to assure certain amount of bandwidth/loss profile to certain services, such as the providers own VoIP or IPTV service. > Of course it would also be helpful to tell where AQM is used and which > kind of AQM also which parameters. I know that people might not be > allowed to say, but maybe you could at least indicate if it is used > somewhere or not. Please also tell if you don't use AQM anywhere. Maybe > you might also be able to explain the reasons why AQM is not used...? Are you defining AQM as anything that is not FIFO? -- Mikael Abrahamsson email:
- [aqm] AQM support in the network Mirja Kühlewind
- Re: [aqm] AQM support in the network Mikael Abrahamsson
- Re: [aqm] AQM support in the network Jim Gettys
- Re: [aqm] AQM support in the network Mikael Abrahamsson