[aqm] AQM support in the network

Mirja Kühlewind <mirja.kuehlewind@ikr.uni-stuttgart.de> Tue, 19 March 2013 08:06 UTC

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I was thinking about a way how to measurement if AQM is used in a network... 
(if someone has ideas please tell me)... but then I though instead of 
spamming the networks with measurement traffic, I might just asked network 
operators directly :-)

Not sure who is subscribed to this list, but as a starting point I would like 
to ask anybody who reads this and is in charge of operating any kind of 
network (isp, cdn provider, or smaller local networks) to post to the list, 
if AQM is used anywhere in the network!

Of course it would also be helpful to tell where AQM is used and which kind of 
AQM also which parameters. I know that people might not be allowed to say, but 
maybe you could at least indicate if it is used somewhere or not. Please also 
tell if you don't use AQM anywhere. Maybe you might also be able to explain 
the reasons why AQM is not used...?

Thanks in advance!