[aqm] ECN support and usage on the Internet
Mirja Kühlewind <mirja.kuehlewind@ikr.uni-stuttgart.de> Tue, 19 March 2013 08:04 UTC
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From: Mirja Kühlewind <mirja.kuehlewind@ikr.uni-stuttgart.de>
To: iccrg@irtf.org, tcpm@ietf.org, aqm@ietf.org, Brian Trammell <trammell@tik.ee.ethz.ch>
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Subject: [aqm] ECN support and usage on the Internet
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Hi everybody, we just published a paper on the state of ECN support and usage on the Internet. We performed a similar study than Bauer et al., probing webservers to get the current status. We found that about 30% of webservers (by Sep'12) support ECN. Unfortunately, still we saw a failure rate of 9% when checking end-2-end path ECN usability (setting CE). Additionally, we analyzed NetFlow data to get a lower bound for the ECN usage which was below 1%. Then we also had a look at IPv6 (47,5% ECN support). At the same time we also monitored an increase in general IPv6 support on webserver over the IPv6 launch day last year (-> check the paper). Kühlewind, M.; Neuner, S.; Trammell, B.: On the state of ECN and TCP Options on the Internet. Proceedings of the 14th Passive and Active Measurement conference (PAM 2013), Hong Kong, March 2013. http://www.ikr.uni-stuttgart.de/Content/Publications/Archive/Kue_PAM13_40160.pdf Do we need to start a campaign to further encourage greater ECN support (also of network providers)? Asking the content providers on the list(s): What are the reasons to not enable ECN support? Mirja
- [aqm] ECN support and usage on the Internet Mirja Kühlewind
- Re: [aqm] [tcpm] ECN support and usage on the Int… Mikael Abrahamsson
- Re: [aqm] [tcpm] ECN support and usage on the Int… Jim Gettys
- Re: [aqm] [tcpm] ECN support and usage on the Int… Yuchung Cheng
- Re: [aqm] ECN support and usage on the Internet Fred Baker (fred)
- Re: [aqm] 答复: [iccrg] [tcpm] ECN support and usag… Jim Gettys
- Re: [aqm] 答复: [iccrg] [tcpm] ECN support and usag… Simon Barber
- Re: [aqm] [tcpm] ECN support and usage on the Int… Rick Jones
- Re: [aqm] [iccrg] [tcpm] ECN support and usage on… Glen Turner
- Re: [aqm] 答复: [iccrg] [tcpm] ECN support and usag… Mikael Abrahamsson
- Re: [aqm] [iccrg] [tcpm] ECN support and usage on… Matthew Ford
- Re: [aqm] [tcpm] ECN support and usage on the Int… Emmanuel Lochin
- Re: [aqm] [tcpm] ECN support and usage on the Int… Scheffenegger, Richard
- Re: [aqm] 答复: [iccrg] [tcpm] ECN support and usag… Scheffenegger, Richard
- Re: [aqm] [iccrg] [tcpm] ECN support and usage on… Scheffenegger, Richard
- Re: [aqm] ECN support and usage on the Internet Gorry Fairhurst
- Re: [aqm] ECN support and usage on the Internet Dave Taht
- Re: [aqm] 答复: [iccrg] [tcpm] ECN support and usag… Mirja Kuehlewind
- Re: [aqm] 答复: [iccrg] [tcpm] ECN support and usag… Simon Barber
- Re: [aqm] [iccrg] [tcpm] ECN support and usage on… Naeem Khademi
- Re: [aqm] [iccrg] [tcpm] ECN support and usage on… Dave Taht
- Re: [aqm] [iccrg] [tcpm] ECN support and usage on… John Leslie
- Re: [aqm] [iccrg] [tcpm] ECN support and usage on… Ilpo Järvinen