Re: [aqm] [tsvwg] New Version Notification for draft-baker-tsvwg-aqm-recommendation-00.txt

"Fred Baker (fred)" <> Thu, 14 March 2013 11:55 UTC

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From: "Fred Baker (fred)" <>
To: Michael Welzl <>
Thread-Topic: [tsvwg] New Version Notification for draft-baker-tsvwg-aqm-recommendation-00.txt
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Subject: Re: [aqm] [tsvwg] New Version Notification for draft-baker-tsvwg-aqm-recommendation-00.txt
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This will be my last note on the topic on tsvwg. I'd like to believe that by tomorrow we will have all joined aqm@.

On Mar 14, 2013, at 6:54 AM, Fred Baker (fred) <> wrote:

> On Mar 14, 2013, at 12:43 AM, Michael Welzl <> wrote:
>> Great, I turn on ECN, and that gives me more delay, just what I want!
>> And, even better: the more people use ECN, the more delay everybody gets.
>> Seriously, I see the incentive idea behind this two-level marking idea, but one has to carefully consider the increased delay vs. gained throughput trade-off in such a scheme.
> I don't understand your comment. Fill me in please?
> If I have a tail-drop queue, TCP using CUBIC or New Reno seeks to keep the queue full. If the queue has N positions (there are many ways to measure a queue, bear with this one for the purpose of the example), worst case delay approximates waiting for N messages, and general case delay is predicted by queuing theory to shoot for N when the link has 95% utilization or whatever.
> With any AQM algorithm, the same queue will accept N messages in the event that it gets a burst, but will start marking/dropping at some point M significantly less than N, so that the queue depth tends to approximate M, not N. That's the whole point of any AQM algorithm. How M is chosen or predicted is of course different for various algorithms.
> The pushback I generally hear about ECN is that people will mark traffic as ECN-capable in order to work around AQM algorithms signaling early; to make them signal later. I am told that people do abuse the EF code point in order to make their traffic go into a priority queue, so I can imagine people doing this as well.
> What I am suggesting is that the AQM algorithm use the appropriate signal to make queue depth approximate M, whether than is ECN or loss depending on the traffic marking, and in the event of abuse do no worse than present it's-done-everywhere tail drop, in which the queue depth tends towards N.
> M < N.
> Remind me how saying that one will use ECN for ECN-capable traffic makes the average queue depth deeper? That makes no sense to me.

Following up on the comment about M and N. Let me show you some (old and low speed) slides that I use as examples in this class of discussion. It's not ECN vs loss, it's AQM vs tail-drop. However, since AQM-using-ECN and AQM-using-loss are examples of AQM, and the argument in the draft is to use both depending on the capabilities of the traffic, I think it's applicable.

I'm looking at slides 11 and 12. Comments on the rest of the deck are interesting, but I'd suggest taking that private in order to not muddy this discussion.

The slides were pulled together as a simple and understandable example of what I said above about M and N. "AQM", in this case, is "RED"; other algorithms will display slightly different characteristics, but I assert that they will have the same basic behavior. The value and perhaps appearance of M will vary, but not the fact of it.

The test setup is two hosts talking across two low end routers connected with a 2 MBPS link. I could go faster; the charts would display timings appropriate to the line speeds and I would have to generate some multiple of the traffic to present the issue, but the structure of the behavior would be about the same. 

     +----+   +------+         +------+   +-----+
     |Left|   |Left  +---------+Right |   |Right|
     |Host|   |Router|         |Router|   |Host |
     +--+-+   +---+--+         +---+--+   +---+-+
        |         |                |          |
    ----+---------+---         ----+----------+---

On the "Left Host", I have a large file, large enough to take perhaps ten seconds to move to the "Right Host" in isolation. In one window on "Left", I run a ping -s to measure the RTT of traffic between the two hosts, and by extension the changing depth of the queue in "Left Router". In another window, I run a script. The script counts from one to fifteen. On each value, it simultaneously opens up that number of FTPs to copy said file to "Right Host". When the last FTP in the set completes, it waits a few seconds, rsh's to delete the now-unneeded copies from "Right", and goes on to the next value.

Afterwards, I did some simple calculations in Excel. I took successive and overlapping sets of ping measurements (ten, IIRC) and calculated the min, max, average (probably should have been median), and standard deviation of the set. I then plotted the values.

I ran the test twice, the difference being that I used RED or tail drop.

Slide 11 is the tail drop test. You see 15 bumps, measuring traffic from 1..15 FTPs moving said file in parallel. What is pretty obvious is that the variation in the queue is at the top of the queue; if N was five, we would be discussing variation around five; if it was five hundred, we would be discussing variation around five hundred. loss-based TCPs work Really Hard to fill the queue and keep it full, resulting in the potential queue depth being a predictor of end to end delay and variation in delay.

Slide 12 is the RED test. It's pretty obvious where I set min-thresh. I'm not, in this, suggesting a value for min-thresh, BTW; I set it somewhere to demonstrate that where I set it is the average queue depth in the scenario. You want it somewhere else, be my guest. What I observe is wider variation in queue depth, because I am using the configured depth of the queue to absorb bursts when they happen. But the average queue depth is at min-threshold. M, which is less than N.

I'll argue, and I think we probably generally agree, that the optimum target average queue depth is close to zero, and we'd like to use the buffer available to absorb and play out bursts when they happen. It would also be nice if the impact of AQM on the various data flows were more consistent, so that there was less variation in delay, and that might be true of some algorithms. But that's the target.

Coming back to ECN vs loss, ECN doesn't increase delay, it enables the same signal to be sent end to end, but sent more quickly and reliably (it is explicit and is known to be about congestion, as opposed to being implicit and possibly triggered by other factors). It targets the same mean queue depth. Signaling without losing traffic is better than losing traffic and calling that signaling, as the session completes more quickly and reliably and is then out of the way. I don't see the down side.