[aqm] fq_codel, codel, and RRUL
Dave Taht <dave.taht@gmail.com> Wed, 20 March 2013 13:43 UTC
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Subject: [aqm] fq_codel, codel, and RRUL
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The present state of the research (as opposed to what we've been able to write down and publish), and some open questions re codel were described and discussed at stanford a few weeks back. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mxoa5Si4Ubw http://netseminar.stanford.edu/seminars/Inside_Codel_and_Fq_Codel.pdf There was spirited discussion (kathie nichols, myself, eric dumazet, and rong) of how codel and fq_codel actually works starting about 24 minutes in, and it ended up dominating the talk so much that I was unable to talk about the "fq" part of fq_codel very much. It certainly is my hope to spark further discussion of how these algorithms work on this list, and I guess I should put together a talk focusing on the sfq/fq portions of the algo in order to get traction on it... Earlier in the stanford and MIT talks I tried to describe how with tests like the RRUL test how we were starting to look into the behavior of mice and ants and congestion control of elephants with aqm. I also had wanted to talk about the three tier prioritization scheme I've been fiddling with for over a year, some plots of the results of that are in the slides. There was a followup talk at MIT about the problems wireless and wifi has, I don't have the link handy. There is still a great deal of research needed on what the right answers are for data centers, verses what we think is extra-ordinarily promising on the edge. I note that sfqcodel is available now for ns2 under the bsd license, fq_codel is in ns3 also under the same license, and the codel codel in linux presently is a bit behind and dual bad/gpl licensed. fq_codel is GPL. Please take a look at whatever versions you feel comfortable looking at. I've been watching the ECN discussion go by and while have some comments on that thread I'll make tomorrow or so, but I encourage people to look at the ECN threads on the codel list as a starting point for thinking about the problems of ECN on the wild and wooly internet. -- Dave Täht Fixing bufferbloat with cerowrt: http://www.teklibre.com/cerowrt/subscribe.html
- [aqm] fq_codel, codel, and RRUL Dave Taht