[art] BCP 190, draft-nottingham-for-the-users, and a generalization
John C Klensin <john-ietf@jck.com> Tue, 23 July 2019 12:37 UTC
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Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2019 08:37:16 -0400
From: John C Klensin <john-ietf@jck.com>
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Subject: [art] BCP 190, draft-nottingham-for-the-users, and a generalization
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(copying architecture-discuss because the comment I'm about to make is an architectural issue and because draft-nottingham-for-the-users is under discussion there.) A late colleague, much loved by some of us, used to claim (much more elegantly than I can manage) that one of the reasons the ARPANET and then the Internet protocols had succeeded and much of what was seen as competitive alternatives had not, was that our efforts focused on pragmatic, working protocols and implementations. The other folks had developed a culture of formalisms, models, and stated design principles. They then tried to develop protocols that fit into the boxes and categories of those formalisms, models, and design principles. When they discovered that something didn't fit, they needed to either invent kludges or other ways of getting square pegs into round holes, go back and revise models and guidance before moving forward, or consider and make exceptions (which often required first figuring out how to make an exception and developing procedures for that). One difficulty is that the above can waste a lot of time. Another is that it can distort protocol design, if only because forcing square pegs into round holes tends to be hard on both the pegs and the holes. In many or most fields of application, the nature of engineering involves seeing and understanding a range of tradeoffs and then doing design work that reflects a carefully-chosen balance among them. Give design elegance absolute priority over structural issues and buildings and bridges fall down. IMO, we need to think, and keep thinking, about systems and tradeoffs. That, in turn, means that statements like these that can be interpreted in absolute terms, even if we mostly agree with them, should be packaged as general guidelines and not BCPs to which everything done in the future is required to either conform or to try to figure out how to appeal to a higher authority. I'm not at all convinced that the proposal that was summarized an ARTAREA yesterday and that is seen as requiring an exception to BCP 190 is a good idea. But I think our time would be better spent, and the Internet more efficiently made better, discussing the strengths, weaknesses, and alternatives to that idea rather than debating the reach and appropriateness of BCP 190 under various circumstances. Long term and more generally, I think that suggests seeing BCP 190 not as a particular set of principles and rules but as an example of something we don't want to do to ourselves again as a BCP (or as something that gets enough of an IAB stamp of approval that people will later argue MUST (or SHOULD) be conformed to. Again, restated as general guidance with the assumption that there will be exceptions and cases not considered, I don't have much of a problem. If that shoe fits draft-nottingham-for-the-users, so be it. john p.s. I don't mean to pick on Mark here. While these two documents coming up at the same time was handy, I think the problem is general and that there are far worse examples (examples of which he is not an author) than either of them.
- [art] Against BCP 190 Rob Stradling
- Re: [art] Against BCP 190 Phillip Hallam-Baker
- Re: [art] Against BCP 190 S Moonesamy
- Re: [art] Against BCP 190 Adam Roach
- Re: [art] Against BCP 190 S Moonesamy
- Re: [art] Against BCP 190 Henry S. Thompson
- Re: [art] Against BCP 190 masinter
- Re: [art] Against BCP 190 Adam Roach
- Re: [art] Against BCP 190 Leif Johansson
- Re: [art] Against BCP 190 Rob Sayre
- Re: [art] Against BCP 190 Adam Roach
- Re: [art] Against BCP 190 Rob Sayre
- Re: [art] Against BCP 190 S Moonesamy
- [art] BCP 190, draft-nottingham-for-the-users, an… John C Klensin
- Re: [art] Against BCP 190 Melinda Shore
- Re: [art] Against BCP 190 Leif Johansson
- Re: [art] BCP 190, draft-nottingham-for-the-users… Adam Roach
- Re: [art] Against BCP 190 Melinda Shore
- Re: [art] Against BCP 190 Adam Roach
- Re: [art] Against BCP 190 Stephen Farrell
- Re: [art] Against BCP 190 Adam Roach
- Re: [art] Against BCP 190 Leif Johansson
- Re: [art] Against BCP 190 Leif Johansson
- Re: [art] Against BCP 190 Victor Vasiliev
- Re: [art] Against BCP 190 Adam Roach
- Re: [art] Against BCP 190 Leif Johansson
- Re: [art] Against BCP 190 Adam Roach
- Re: [art] Against BCP 190 Tony Finch
- Re: [art] [arch-d] BCP 190, draft-nottingham-for-… Guntur Wiseno Putra
- [art] [arch-d] BCP 190, draft-nottingham-for-the-… Guntur Wiseno Putra
- [art] [arch-d] BCP 190, draft-nottingham-for-the-… Guntur Wiseno Putra
- Re: [art] [arch-d] BCP 190, draft-nottingham-for-… Guntur Wiseno Putra
- Re: [art] [arch-d] BCP 190, draft-nottingham-for-… Guntur Wiseno Putra
- Re: [art] [arch-d] BCP 190, draft-nottingham-for-… Guntur Wiseno Putra
- Re: [art] [arch-d] BCP 190, draft-nottingham-for-… Guntur Wiseno Putra