[AVTCORE] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC3611 (3795)
RFC Errata System <rfc-editor@rfc-editor.org> Mon, 11 November 2013 13:02 UTC
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Subject: [AVTCORE] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC3611 (3795)
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The following errata report has been submitted for RFC3611, "RTP Control Protocol Extended Reports (RTCP XR)". -------------------------------------- You may review the report below and at: http://www.rfc-editor.org/errata_search.php?rfc=3611&eid=3795 -------------------------------------- Type: Technical Reported by: Stephen James <sjames@genband.com> Section: 5.1 Original Text ------------- rtcp-xr-attrib = "a=" "rtcp-xr" ":" [xr-format *(SP xr-format)] CRLF Corrected Text -------------- rtcp-xr-attrib = "a=" "rtcp-xr" [ ":" xr-format *(SP xr-format)] CRLF Notes ----- The ABNF for the attribute is causing some interoperability issues. The text as written shows that the colon is required while the parameters are optional. This leaves the format: "a=rtcp-xr:" the required format. Vendors are using "a=rtcp-xr" which strictly violates the ABNF above. Moving the ':' into the optional part seems correct. Instructions: ------------- This errata is currently posted as "Reported". If necessary, please use "Reply All" to discuss whether it should be verified or rejected. When a decision is reached, the verifying party (IESG) can log in to change the status and edit the report, if necessary. -------------------------------------- RFC3611 (draft-ietf-avt-rtcp-report-extns-06) -------------------------------------- Title : RTP Control Protocol Extended Reports (RTCP XR) Publication Date : November 2003 Author(s) : T. Friedman, Ed., R. Caceres, Ed., A. Clark, Ed. Category : PROPOSED STANDARD Source : Audio/Video Transport Area : Real-time Applications and Infrastructure Stream : IETF Verifying Party : IESG
- [AVTCORE] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC3611 (37… RFC Errata System
- Re: [AVTCORE] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC3611… Magnus Westerlund
- Re: [AVTCORE] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC3611… Magnus Westerlund
- [AVTCORE] [Errata Verified] RFC3611 (3795) RFC Errata System