[AVTCORE] [Errata Verified] RFC7273 (4450)
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The following errata report has been verified for RFC7273, "RTP Clock Source Signalling". -------------------------------------- You may review the report below and at: http://www.rfc-editor.org/errata_search.php?rfc=7273&eid=4450 -------------------------------------- Status: Verified Type: Technical Reported by: Kevin Gross <kevin.gross@avanw.com> Date Reported: 2015-08-18 Verified by: Ben Campbell (IESG) Section: 4.8 Original Text ------------- ; PTP domain allowed characters: 0x21-0x7E (IEEE 1588-2002) ptp-domain-name = "domain-name=" 1*16ptp-domain-char ptp-domain-char = %x21-7E ; PTP domain allowed number range: 0-127 (IEEE 1588-2008) ptp-domain-nmbr = "domain-nmbr=" ptp-domain-dgts ptp-domain-dgts = ptp-domain-n1 / ptp-domain-n2 / ptp-domain-n3 ptp-domain-n1 = DIGIT ; 0-9 ptp-domain-n2 = POS-DIGIT DIGIT ; 10-99 ptp-domain-n3 = ("10"/"11") DIGIT ; 100-119 / "12" %x30-37 ; 120-127 Corrected Text -------------- ; PTP domain allowed characters: 0x21-0x7E (IEEE 1588-2002) ptp-domain-name = 1*16ptp-domain-char ptp-domain-char = %x21-7E ; PTP domain allowed number range: 0-127 (IEEE 1588-2008) ptp-domain-nmbr = ptp-domain-dgts ptp-domain-dgts = ptp-domain-n1 / ptp-domain-n2 / ptp-domain-n3 ptp-domain-n1 = DIGIT ; 0-9 ptp-domain-n2 = POS-DIGIT DIGIT ; 10-99 ptp-domain-n3 = ("10"/"11") DIGIT ; 100-119 / "12" %x30-37 ; 120-127 Notes ----- There is an inconsistency between ABNF in section 4.8 and examples in section 5.5. Due to evidence that current implementations are working to what is shown in the examples, this is resolved by updating the ABNF specification. -------------------------------------- RFC7273 (draft-ietf-avtcore-clksrc-11) -------------------------------------- Title : RTP Clock Source Signalling Publication Date : June 2014 Author(s) : A. Williams, K. Gross, R. van Brandenburg, H. Stokking Category : PROPOSED STANDARD Source : Audio/Video Transport Core Maintenance RAI Area : Real-time Applications and Infrastructure Stream : IETF Verifying Party : IESG
- [AVTCORE] [Editorial Errata Reported] RFC7273 (44… RFC Errata System
- [AVTCORE] [Errata Verified] RFC7273 (4450) RFC Errata System