Re: [AVTCORE] Source switching performance in draft-hellstrom-avtcore-multi-party-rtt-source-01.txt

Gunnar Hellström <> Mon, 16 March 2020 22:12 UTC

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Subject: Re: [AVTCORE] Source switching performance in draft-hellstrom-avtcore-multi-party-rtt-source-01.txt
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Hi James,

Den 2020-03-16 kl. 13:11, skrev James Hamlin:
> Hi Gunnar
> Many thanks for taking the time to go through this so thoroughly.
> I think we have 2 main aspects to this work:-
>  1. Compatibility with existing implementations
>  2. Choosing an efficient mechanism for the future
> For the first of these, it seems to me that the only solution is for a 
> mixer to be able to do inline participant labeling and buffering to 
> produce a presentable single text stream. Current implementations of 
> RFC4103 will simply not understand switching between participants, nor 
> will they make any visual indication of which text belongs to which 
> participant, so the mixer needs to do that.
Yes, it is possible to implement a limited functionality 
"pseudo-multi-party" text mixer for presenting multi-party rtt on a 
point-to-point rtt terminal. A procedure is included as Appendix A in 
this draft:

When the mixer has text from more than one source to transmit, it looks 
for suitable switching moments in the text from the source it is 
transmitting. When a phrase or a sentence is complete or a line 
separator issued, or even a long pause, then the mixer decides to switch 
source and inserts a line separator and a label for next in turn to get 
its text transmitted, and then the text. This method can be used but has 
its limitations. It only displays one source at a time in real-time. 
Erasure over a switch does not work. It assumes that the receiver 
accepts to use the chat-style layout in one display area etc.

Each application area should decide what to do with old terminals who do 
not support multi-party. Implement the switching method above, or 
upgrade the terminals or refuse to involve the terminals in multi-party 

> For the second we have established that it's possible to: allow the 
> different redundant blocks in a packet to be for different 
> participants; or use timestamps to resolve the correct redundant text 
> to use and to have each packet associated with just one participant. I 
> can also imagine putting all text generations of each source in the 
> CSRC list in each packet which adds 12 bytes of header space per CSRC 
> (assuming 2 redundant generations); I'll write a separate mail about 
> that.
Sound interesting.
> After that, I think we have a fairly complete set of solutions to 
> choose from.



> Some other comments inline.
> Best regards
> James
> James Hamlin
> Contractor
> Purple, a Division of ZP Better Together, LLC
> The information contained in this e-mail message is intended only for 
> the personal and confidential use of the recipient(s) named above. If 
> you have received this communication in error, please notify us 
> immediately by e-mail, and delete the original message.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Gunnar Hellström <>
> *Sent:* 14 March 2020 11:17
> *To:* James Hamlin;
> *Subject:* Re: Source switching performance in 
> draft-hellstrom-avtcore-multi-party-rtt-source-01.txt
> Hi James,
> Thanks for an interesting proposal.
> Let us extend the information about the packet contents of your 
> example a bit:
> seq         01  02  03  04  05  06  07  08  09  10  11  12  13  14  15
> CSRC=source  1   2 3   1   2   3   1   2   3   1   2   3   1   2   3
> Timestamp   91  92  93  94 95  96  97  98  99 100 101 102 103 104 105
> R2 t offset  6   6   6   6 6   6   6   6   6   6   6   6   6   6   6
> R1 t offset  3   3   3   3 3   3   3   3   3   3   3   3   3   3   3
> R2                          A M   X   B   N  Y   C   O   Z
> R1                     A M   X   B   N   Y   C   O   Z
> P            A   M   X   B   N   Y   C   O   Z
> Lost X   X
> (The timestamps and timestamp offsets ("t offset") are shown in 100 
> ms, in reality it will be in milliseconds)
> The SSRC of the packet is always the mixer's SSRC.
> The source is indicated in the CSRC-list that in this method has only 
> one member = the SSRC of the source represented in the packet.
> +jeh: Agreed: My mistake.
> The timestamp is created by the mixer when sending, and the timestamp 
> offsets make it possible to calculate the timestamps the redundant 
> texts had when they were transmitted as originals.
> The receiver must store essential data from a number of packets. This 
> data is the sequence number, the source (=CSRC), the Timestamp.
> So, let us see what happens if both packet 06 and 07 are lost.
> The receiver must also store for each source, the timestamps for which 
> text has been recieved (either with real contents or empty).
> In packets 1 to 5, we have received and put in display areas for 
> source 1: "AB", for source 2: "MN", for source 3: "X"
> 08 is received and the gap (07 and 06 ) is detected (07 and 06 with 
> two redundant elements in both, making a need for retrieval of 4 text 
> elements ) is remembered so we need to do the recovery analysis..  The 
> source (2) and other essential data is noted. The original timestamp 
> of R2 is calculated as Timestamp-R2 t offset = 98-6 = 92. Checking 
> back in the list of received packets we find that we got a packet with 
> timestamp 92 (and indeed, it contained text from source 2), so there 
> is no need to recover R2. Then the original timestamp of R1 is 
> calculated as Timestamp-R1 t offset = 98-3 = 95. Checking back in the 
> list of received packets we find that we got a packet with timestamp 
> 95 (and indeed, it contained text from source 2), so there is no need 
> to recover R1. The Primary text in packet 08 ("O") is retrieved and 
> put in the display area for source 2. It is noted that we have got 
> text for timestamp 98 for source 2. The gap is still 4.
> 09 is received.  The gap (4 elements ) is remembered so we need to do 
> the recovery analysis.  The source (3) and other essential data is 
> noted. The original timestamp of R2 is calculated as Timestamp-R2 t 
> offset = 99-6 = 93. Checking back in the list of received packets we 
> find that we got a packet with timestamp 93 (and indeed, it contained 
> text from source 3), so there is no need to recover R2. Then the 
> original timestamp of R1 is calculated as Timestamp-R1 t offset = 99-3 
> = 96. Checking back in the list of received packets we find that we 
> never got a packet with timestamp 96 , so we recover R1 ("Y") and 
> insert it in the display area of source 3. The Primary text in packet 
> 09 ("Z") is retrieved and put in the display area for source 3. It is 
> noted that we got text from timestamps 96 and 99 for source 3 (the gap 
> can now be reduced to 3)
> 10 is received.  The gap (3 ) is remembered so we need to do the 
> recovery analysis.  The source (1) and other essential data is noted. 
> The original timestamp of R2 is calculated as Timestamp-R2 t offset = 
> 100-6 = 94. Checking back in the list of received packets we find that 
> we got a packet with timestamp 94 (and indeed, it contained text from 
> source 1), so there is no need to recover R2. Then the original 
> timestamp of R1 is calculated as Timestamp-R1 t offset = 100-3 = 97. 
> Checking back in the list of received packets we find that we never 
> got a packet with timestamp 97 , so we recover R1 ("C") and insert it 
> in the display area of source 1. The Primary text in packet 10 is 
> empty so there is nothing to put in the display area for source 1. It 
> is noted that we got text from timestamps 97 and 100 for source 1 (the 
> gap can now be reduced to 2)
> 11 is received.  The gap (2 ) is remembered so we need to do the 
> recovery analysis.  The source (2) and other essential data is noted. 
> The original timestamp of R2 is calculated as Timestamp-R2 t offset = 
> 101-6 = 95. Checking back in the list of received packets we find that 
> we got a packet with timestamp 95 (and indeed, it contained text from 
> source 2), so there is no need to recover R2. Then the original 
> timestamp of R1 is calculated as Timestamp-R1 t offset = 101-3 = 98. 
> Checking back in the list of received packets we find that we got a 
> packet with timestamp 98 , so we do not need to recover R1. The 
> Primary text in packet 11 is empty so there is nothing to put in the 
> display area for source 2. It is noted that we got text from timestamp 
> 101 for source 2. (we did not recover anything, so the gap is still 2)
> 12 is received.  The gap (2 ) is remembered so we need to do the 
> recovery analysis.  The source (3) and other essential data is noted. 
> The original timestamp of R2 is calculated as Timestamp-R2 t offset = 
> 102-6 = 96. Checking back in the list of received packets we find that 
> we never got a packet with timestamp 96, but from packet 09 we 
> recovered R1 from timestamp 96. So we shall not recover anything from 
> R2 here. Then the original timestamp of R1 is calculated as 
> Timestamp-R1 t offset = 102-3 = 99. Checking back in the list of 
> received packets we find that we got a packet with timestamp 99, so we 
> do not need to recover R1. The Primary text in packet 12 is empty so 
> there is nothing to put in the display area for source 3. It is noted 
> that we got text for timestamp 102 for source 3 (the gap can now be 
> reduced to 1)
> 13 is received.  The gap (1 ) is remembered so we need to do the 
> recovery analysis.  The source (1) and other essential data is noted. 
> The original timestamp of R2 is calculated as Timestamp-R2 t offset = 
> 103-6 = 97. Checking back in the list of received packets we find that 
> we already recovered text for timestamp 97, so nothing is recovered 
> and nothing inserted from R2 in the display area of source 1 . Then 
> the original timestamp of R1 is calculated as Timestamp-R1 t offset = 
> 103-3 = 100. Checking back in the list of received packets we find 
> that we got a packet with timestamp 100, so we do not need to recover 
> R1. The Primary text in packet 13 is empty so there is nothing to put 
> in the display area for source 1. It is noted that we got text for 
> timestamp 103 for source 1 (the gap can now be reduced to 0)
> 14 is received.  The gap is now 0 so we do not need to do any recovery 
> analysis.   The source (2) and other essential data is noted. The 
> Primary text in packet 13 is empty so there is nothing to put in the 
> display area for source 2. It is noted that we got text for timestamp 
> 104 for source 2.
> After this, we have in the display areas:  for 1: "ABC" for 2: "MNO", 
> for 3: "XYZ", so everything is recovered.
> I am sorry, the narrative above may be hard to follow. It could 
> probably be converted to some table format if we need to do it again 
> for other cases.
> So, yes, this method also works.
> I see a couple of differences in characteristics between this 
> "timestamp method" and the "CSRClist method":
> 1. The recovery time from loss to recovery can with the timestamp 
> method be 200 times the number of simultaneous sending sources in 
> milliseconds. Thus with 5 sources: 1 second. With the CSRClist method, 
> it is steady 200 milliseconds. (assuming a transmission interval of 
> 100 ms and round robin mixer switching.)
> 2. The recovery capacity in packets in sequence is 2*the number of 
> simultaneous sources = 10 packets for 5 sources. With the CSRC method 
> it is 2 packets. (again assuming round robin mixer switching )
> 3. The complexity of the procedure is higher but still manageable for 
> the timestamp method.
> jeh: Yes. I had thought this would be simpler, but the timestamp logic 
> gets complicated.
> 4. The number of packets to store essential information about is 
> higher for the timestamp method ( I think it is 4*the number of active 
> sources). For the CSRC list method, it is 4 packets and less 
> information per packet.
> You say: "The advantage of this approach is that the format of the 
> packet doesn't change. The current arrangement where all the text in a 
> packet is for one participant is preserved."
> I do not see the CSRClist method as a change in packet format.
> jeh: Agreed: I should have said that differently: the change is that 
> the text over the redundant and primary block is no longer continuous; 
> it's for different participants.
> The mixer needs in both methods to include a CSRC -list. The 
> difference is that in the CSRClist method, the list has more members. 
> It is still within the format description of RTP. The source of the 
> redundant parts will vary in a packet, but the composition of the 
> contents of the packet for transmission from the mixer is as usual for 
> a single sender: Put what was sent next to last in the packet as R2, 
> put what was sent last as R1, and put the new text chunk as P. The 
> only addition is the rule that the CSRC list is populated with the 
> sources in the strict order.
> Summary: both methods seem possible. It will be interesting to get 
> more comments.
> Thanks,
> Gunnar
> Den 2020-03-14 kl. 01:45, skrev James Hamlin:
>> Hi Gunnar
>> I've also been thinking through the possibility of a sender switching 
>> source without clearing all redundant generations first. Clearly, a 
>> sender that did this today would cause problems for existing 
>> receivers. But checking timestamps at the receiver should fix this.
>> Consider three senders 1, 2 and 3 which send text "ABC", "MNO" and 
>> "XYZ". The block below shows this text being 
>> sent taking round-robin turns with the participants.
>> seq    01  02  03  04  05  06  07  08  09  10  11  12  13  14  15
>> part    1   2   3   1   2   3   1   2   3   1   2   3   1   2   3
>>                             -
>> R2                          A M   X   B   N  Y   C   O   Z
>> R1         A M   X   B   N   Y  C   O   Z
>> P       A   M   X   B   N Y   C   O   Z
>> If sequence 06 is lost and the receiver sees sequence 07 then it may 
>> assume that the lost packet was for participant 1 and use the 
>> redundant character "B". This would lead to character "B" being 
>> duplicated in the output for participant 1. But it is possible for a 
>> receiver to get the correct result; the timestamp for the redundant 
>> text in packet 07 will not be higher than the most recent timestamp 
>> previously received and so shouldn't be used. The redundant text in 
>> the following packet 08 has no applicable redundant text, but the 
>> timestamp of the R1 in packet 09 will be greater than the most recent 
>> received and so is usable.
>> The advantage of this approach is that the format of the packet 
>> doesn't change. The current arrangement where all the text in a 
>> packet is for one participant is preserved. Tracking the timestamp 
>> adds some implementation effort but I think 
>> it's minimal. It does also mean the mixer needs to synchronize 
>> timestamps across the media sources but it is in a position to do so.
>> Best regards
>> James
>> James Hamlin
>> Contractor
>> Purple, a Division of ZP Better Together, LLC
>> The information contained in this e-mail message is intended only for 
>> the personal and confidential use of the recipient(s) named above. If 
>> you have received this communication in error, please notify us 
>> immediately by e-mail, and delete the original message.
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> *From:* Gunnar Hellström <>
>> *Sent:* 13 March 2020 16:41
>> *To:*; James Hamlin
>> *Subject:* Source switching performance in 
>> draft-hellstrom-avtcore-multi-party-rtt-source-01.txt
>> Hi,
>> I want to follow-up on the good discussion on source switching 
>> performance a couple of days ago, under the subject "[AVTCORE] 
>> Improved RTP-mixer performance for RFC 2198 and RFC 4103 redundancy 
>> coding"
>> *Two parts in the performance increase solution.*
>> Two actions are proposed in 
>> draft-hellstrom-avtcore-multi-party-rtt-source:
>> a) Reduce the packet transmission interval from 300 to 100 ms.
>> b) Use a strict relation between members in the CSRC list and the 
>> parts of the payload that is original text and first generation 
>> redundancy and second generation redundancy so that the mixer can 
>> switch source for every new packet and the sources of text recovered 
>> from redundancy can be assessed by the receiver.
>> I think it is worth while to move forward with the complete 
>> improvement a) and b) proposed in the draft. It will cause less 
>> complexity, lower delays and lower risk for stalling in case of many 
>> participants entering new text simultaneously.
>> Here is my reasoning:
>> I have the following view of the achievable performance improvements 
>> for different cases:
>> 1. With the original source switching with RFC 4103 and an RTP-mixer 
>> using 300 ms transmission interval and not allowing a mix of sources 
>> in one packet, there can be one source switching per second by the 
>> mixer with an introduced delay of up to one second.
>> 2. By just reducing the transmission interval from 300 to 100 ms, it 
>> will be possible to have three source switches per second with an 
>> introduced delay of up to one second. (with just two parties sending 
>> text simultaneously, the delay will be maximum 300 ms. )
>> 3. And by applying the proposal from the multi-party-rtt-source draft 
>> with the CSRC-list as a source list for the redundancy, and also 
>> using 100 ms transmission interval, there can be switching between 
>> five source per second with an introduced delay of max 500 ms. With 
>> just two parties typing simultaneously, the delay will be a maximum 
>> of 100 ms.
>> The delays are extreme values from when all sources start to type 
>> simultaneously.  It was agreed that at least the improvement from the 
>> reduced transmission interval is needed.
>> Case 1 and 2 are a bit complex for the mixer to implement. From the 
>> moment it has text queued for transmission from another source B than 
>> the one currently transmitted A, then the mixer needs to stop adding 
>> new text from A to the packets, but still send two more packets with 
>> the agreed transmission interval, progressing the latest transmitted 
>> original text to first generation redundancy and then again one more 
>> packet with the text as second level redundancy. Not until that is 
>> done, the mixer is allowed to start taking text from the transmission 
>> queue from B to transmit. This is the background of the 1 s vs 300 ms 
>> delays in case 1 and 2.
>> In case 3, there is much less complexity. When there is something 
>> from B in queue for transmission, the mixer can decide to insert that 
>> in next packet and add the redundancy from earlier transmissions from 
>> A, because their sources are included in the CSRC list in the same 
>> packet.
>> Therefore I want to move on with the complete solution in case 3.
>> -----------------------------------
>> *Influence on the multi-party capability negotiation:*
>> There is an installed park of RTT implementations without multi-party 
>> awareness. The receiver need to take active part in planning the 
>> multi-party RTT presentation. Therefore a capability negotiation is 
>> needed. A simple sdp attribute a=rtt-mix without value is proposed in 
>> the draft.
>> It is important to let this attribute mean capability of the complete 
>> solution case 3).  If there is a temptation to have different levels 
>> of implementation, some only implementing the shorter transmission 
>> interval (2) and some implementing the complete solution (3), then 
>> threre will be a need for two different attributes, or one attribute 
>> with a list of parameter values for the two cases. That would 
>> complicate the evaluation of the negotiation. Therefore I would 
>> prefer that the attribute can mean capability to use the complete 
>> mixing solution (3).
>> Regards
>> Gunnar
>> Den 2020-02-29 kl. 20:13, skrev
>>> A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts directories.
>>>          Title           : Indicating source of multi-party Real-time text
>>>          Author          : Gunnar Hellstrom
>>> 	Filename        : draft-hellstrom-avtcore-multi-party-rtt-source-01.txt
>>> 	Pages           : 13
>>> 	Date            : 2020-02-29
>>> Abstract:
>>>     Real-time text mixers need to identify the source of each transmitted
>>>     text chunk so that it can be presented in suitable grouping with
>>>     other text from the same source.  An enhancement for RFC 4103 real-
>>>     time text is provided, suitable for a centralized conference model
>>>     that enables source identification, for use by text mixers and
>>>     conference-enabled participants.  The mechanism builds on use of the
>>>     CSRC list in the RTP packet.  A capability exchange is specified so
>>>     that it can be verified that a participant can handle the multi-party
>>>     coded real-time text stream.  The capability is indicated by an sdp
>>>     media attribute "rtt-mix".
>>> The IETF datatracker status page for this draft is:
>>> There are also htmlized versions available at:
>>> A diff from the previous version is available at:
>>> Please note that it may take a couple of minutes from the time of submission
>>> until the htmlized version and diff are available at
>>> Internet-Drafts are also available by anonymous FTP at:
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>> -- 
>> + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
>> Gunnar Hellström
>> Omnitor
>> +46 708 204 288
> -- 
> + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
> Gunnar Hellström
> Omnitor
> +46 708 204 288


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Gunnar Hellström
+46 708 204 288