[AVTCORE] 答复: Reminder: Re: WG last call on draft-ietf-avtcore-6222bis-01

Qin Wu <bill.wu@huawei.com> Thu, 11 April 2013 11:04 UTC

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From: Qin Wu <bill.wu@huawei.com>
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Hi, Ali:
Here is my quick review to draft-ietf-avtcore-6222bis-01:
1. Section 1 and Section 3:
It is not clear how the section 1 is related to section 3?
Is this draft focusing on tacking linkability issue or deficiency issues described in section 3? 
What the linkability issue is? It is not obvious to a reader who are not familiar with this although this draft point to 
[I-D.rescorla-avtcore-random-cname] in the section 1?

2. PRNG needs to be expanded or point to a reference.

3. Section 6.1
The last sentence said:
A length of 96 bits allows on the order of
2^{40} RTCP CNAMEs globally before there is a large chance of
collision (there is about a 50% chance of one collision after 2^{48}
I am difficult to understand the rationale for this calculation since I don't know What "2^{40}" stand for?
How "40" is related to the length of 96 bits?

I can understand the first sentence, but I don't understand the second one. 
What kind of correlation need to be prevented? Why such correlation should be prevented?
Isn't this section focusing on talking about how to correlate sessions? What am I missing?

发件人: avt-bounces@ietf.org [mailto:avt-bounces@ietf.org] 代表 Magnus Westerlund
发送时间: 2013年4月10日 15:58
收件人: Magnus Westerlund
抄送: avt@ietf.org
主题: Re: [AVTCORE] Reminder: Re: WG last call on draft-ietf-avtcore-6222bis-01


This WG last call has concluded. I think the level of reviews on this
document are very low. In the working group last call only Kevin Gross
and I have stated that they have reviewed the latest version.

Authors please address raised issues.

I will not consider this a successful WG last call unless at least one
additional person reviews it who are not an author. It is a very short
document and it also don't require massive amounts of additional
knowledge beyond basic RTP understanding to review.


Magnus Westerlund
WG chair

On 2013-03-28 11:01, Magnus Westerlund wrote:
> WG,
> So far there has be no other reviews of this document than mine.
> Can someone please review this document?
> I hereby extended the WG last call with one week until the 7th of April.
> Cheers
> Magnus
> On 2013-03-12 20:04, Magnus Westerlund wrote:
>> WG,
>> This is to announce the start of a WG last call on:
>> Guidelines for Choosing RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) Canonical Names
>> (CNAMEs) to be published as a proposed standard.
>> Document can be retrieved here:
>> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-avtcore-6222bis/
>> Please provide any feedback by the 31st of March.
>> Regards
>> Magnus Westerlund
>> WG chair
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Multimedia Technologies, Ericsson Research EAB/TVM
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>> Ericsson AB                | Phone  +46 10 7148287
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>> SE-164 80 Stockholm, Sweden| mailto: magnus.westerlund@ericsson.com
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Magnus Westerlund

Multimedia Technologies, Ericsson Research EAB/TVM
Ericsson AB                | Phone  +46 10 7148287
Färögatan 6                | Mobile +46 73 0949079
SE-164 80 Stockholm, Sweden| mailto: magnus.westerlund@ericsson.com

Audio/Video Transport Core Maintenance