[AVTCORE] Re: New draft: Absolute Capture Timestamp RTP header extension
Bernard Aboba <bernard.aboba@gmail.com> Thu, 31 October 2024 20:35 UTC
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From: Bernard Aboba <bernard.aboba@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2024 13:35:23 -0700
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Subject: [AVTCORE] Re: New draft: Absolute Capture Timestamp RTP header extension
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I am also interested in seeing this draft advanced. Some comments: Section 1 "However, when multiple hops and multiple systems are involved, this task becomes more difficult; in particular, when one desires to synchronize media from multiple sources with independent clocks, where the media may have traveled over multiple network hops between the source and destination.This memo describes one mechanism for providing more information to make such synchronization possible." [BA] Is the sole use case for this document "lip sync" from a single source? Or are other use cases possible too (e.g. synchronized concert)? As written, this section could be interpreted to apply to a wide range of RTP topologies described in RFC 7667. Since RTCP termination is mentioned in Section 3, this does not appear to be the intent. I'd suggest adding a paragraph describing the RTP topologies to which this specification applies (e.g. Section 3.6 and 3.7 of RFC 7667) Section " Absolute capture timestamp is the NTP timestamp of when the first frame in a packet was originally captured. This timestamp MUST be based on the same clock as the clock used to generate NTP timestamps for RTCP sender reports on the capture system." [BA] Does this imply that the RTCP SR NTP timestamp from the capturing system is placed in this field? Section Estimated capture clock offset is the sender's estimate of the offset between its own NTP clock and the capture system's NTP clock. The sender is here defined as the system that owns the NTP clock used to generate the NTP timestamps for the RTCP sender reports on this stream. The sender system is typically either the capture system or a mixer. [BA] In an RTCP-terminating topology wouldn't the mixer/SFM be the sender? In what topology would the capture system be the sender? Section An intermediate system (e.g. mixer) MAY adjust these timestamps as needed. It MAY also choose to rewrite the timestamps completely, using its own NTP clock as reference clock, if it wants to present itself as a capture system for A/V-sync purposes. [BA] Wouldn't this behavior be governed by the topology? For example, an RTCP-terminating middle box uses its own NTP clock, but presumably a translator would not. On Wed, Oct 30, 2024 at 10:57 AM Sergio Garcia Murillo < sergio.garcia.murillo@gmail.com> wrote: > Hi all, as I probably won't be able to make it to next Monday's meeting, I > would like to express my support for this header extension in advance. > > At Dolby Millicast we have been extensively using the non-standard version > available in Google Chrome extensively, both for calculating e2e delays and > for synchronization of media and metadata, being much more easy to handle > that the codec specific counterparts (like the H264 SEI pic timing). > > Being able to standardize it would allow us to expose it in the w3c apis > and make it easier to obtain from javascript. > > Best regards > Sergio > > On Fri, Oct 4, 2024 at 10:26 AM Harald Alvestrand <harald@alvestrand.no> > wrote: > >> I have now submitted an I-D based on the technology I presented at the >> last IETF about "absolute" timestamps for RTP. >> >> It is here: >> >> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-alvestrand-avtcore-abs-capture-time/ >> >> I plan to ask for agenda time in Dublin to discuss the draft. >> Comments welcome - the source is on github here: >> >> https://github.com/alvestrand/id-abs-capture-timestamp >> >> Harald >> >> _______________________________________________ >> Audio/Video Transport Core Maintenance >> To unsubscribe send an email to avt-leave@ietf.org >> > _______________________________________________ > Audio/Video Transport Core Maintenance > To unsubscribe send an email to avt-leave@ietf.org >
- [AVTCORE] New draft: Absolute Capture Timestamp R… Harald Alvestrand
- [AVTCORE] Re: New draft: Absolute Capture Timesta… Bernard Aboba
- [AVTCORE] Re: New draft: Absolute Capture Timesta… Harald Alvestrand
- [AVTCORE] Re: New draft: Absolute Capture Timesta… Sergio Garcia Murillo
- [AVTCORE] Re: New draft: Absolute Capture Timesta… Bernard Aboba