[AVTCORE] My comments on draft-ietf-avtcore-rtp-circuit-breakers-08

Magnus Westerlund <magnus.westerlund@ericsson.com> Thu, 19 February 2015 08:06 UTC

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Subject: [AVTCORE] My comments on draft-ietf-avtcore-rtp-circuit-breakers-08
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I have just reviewed the latest version of circuit breakers and have the
following feedback.

I think the document has improved since I last reviewed it (-05) but I
think the following issue is not yet addressed from my previous review.

> 7) Section 5:
> As there is a difference between CB #1 and #3 and #2 that has to do
> with that the first (#1 and #3) uses incoming RTCP reports and that #2
> uses the CB implementers estimate of what the regular reporting
> interval is. Thus, I wonder if there needs to exist include a
> reflection over t_rr_int as well as the RTCP SSRC timeout calculation
> that we recommend to use 5 seconds as fixed minimal value in those
> calculations (if 5 sec larger than t_rr_int).

I will see if I can propose some text to address this.

I also think there is need for scaling the number of reporting intervals
it takes to trigger the circuit breakers when using AVPF or reduced
minimum. Especially for AVPF there will be a lot of false triggering due
to relatively short time intervals that the circuit breakers will sample

I would really like to have proposals for all open issues in the draft
prior to the upcoming meetings deadline. I really like to be able to
have this go to WG last call soon after the Dallas meeting.


Magnus Westerlund

Services, Media and Network features, Ericsson Research EAB/TXM
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