[AVTCORE] I-D Action: draft-ietf-avtcore-rtp-v3c-07.txt

internet-drafts@ietf.org Thu, 19 September 2024 08:08 UTC

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Internet-Draft draft-ietf-avtcore-rtp-v3c-07.txt is now available. It is a
work item of the Audio/Video Transport Core Maintenance (AVTCORE) WG of the

   Title:   RTP Payload Format for Visual Volumetric Video-based Coding (V3C)
   Authors: Lauri Ilola
            Lukasz Kondrad
   Name:    draft-ietf-avtcore-rtp-v3c-07.txt
   Pages:   44
   Dates:   2024-09-19


   A visual volumetric video-based coding (V3C) [ISO.IEC.23090-5]
   bitstream is composed of V3C units that contain V3C atlas sub-
   bitstreams, V3C video sub-bitstreams, and a V3C parameter set.  This
   memo describes an RTP payload format for V3C atlas sub-bitstreams.
   The RTP payload format for V3C video sub-bitstreams is defined by
   relevant Internet Standards for the applicable video codec.  The V3C
   RTP payload format allows for packetization of one or more V3C atlas
   Network Abstraction Layer (NAL) units in an RTP packet payload as
   well as fragmentation of a V3C atlas NAL unit into multiple RTP
   packets.  The memo also describes the mechanisms for grouping RTP
   streams of V3C component sub-bitstreams, providing a complete
   solution for streaming V3C encoded content.

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