Re: [AVTCORE] Query: Reporting SSRC when you send no streams?

Magnus Westerlund <> Mon, 01 June 2015 09:19 UTC

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Harald Alvestrand skrev den 2015-06-01 10:59:
> This came up in a WebRTC-related context:
> If you send no streams, what SSRC should you be using in receiver reports?

You obviously need one, and if there are no known intention to send a 
stream later, then one have to pick one value at random.

> If you start sending streams, should your reporting SSRC(s) change?

I think it is okay for one (first) of the streams that will be sent to 
use the reporting SSRC.

If one consider the multiple clock rates RFC 
( one would in most cases 
require a new SSRC. But, the reporting SSRC has no known RTP timestamp 
rate bound to it, prior to picking it. Thus, I don't see a requirement 
to force to use a new SSRC.

However, I also don't see that it would be wrong to use a new SSRC and 
then stop using the previous reporting one. This will of course have the 
down side of reducing the per SSRC bit-rate during the 25+ seconds of 
timeout period for the old reporting.

> If you stop sending streams, what should happen? Keep reporting from the
> stream(s) that are gone, or switch to a new (old?) non-sending SSRC?

I think you should maintain at least one of the SSRCs as reporting SSRC. 
If that has to be replaced if one re-adds streams would depend on the 
timestamp rate, media type and other context associated with the SSRC.

> I'm looking at draft-ietf-avtcore-rtp-multi-stream (and -optimization),
> and they seem to offer plenty of advice for the case where there is more
> than one stream (report on them all in -multi-stream, add them to a
> group in -optimization), but not specifically for the 0->1, 1->0
> transitions.
> Of course, I may have overlooked something...

No, I don't think you have overlooked anything.

 From my perspective this could be fit into the 
draft-ietf-avtcore-rtp-multi-stream set of clarifications to ensure 
consistent behaviours. However, I think we need to agree on what the 
recommended behaviour is, and if we make clear that several behaviours 
may occur.


Magnus Westerlund

Services, Media and Network features, Ericsson Research EAB/TXM
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