[bess] Re: Review of draft-ietf-bess-evpn-ipvpn-interworking-10
"Jorge Rabadan (Nokia)" <jorge.rabadan@nokia.com> Mon, 17 June 2024 20:20 UTC
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From: "Jorge Rabadan (Nokia)" <jorge.rabadan@nokia.com>
To: Jeff Haas <jhaas@juniper.net>
Thread-Topic: Review of draft-ietf-bess-evpn-ipvpn-interworking-10
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Subject: [bess] Re: Review of draft-ietf-bess-evpn-ipvpn-interworking-10
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Hi Jeff, Thank you very much for the review. Please see my comments in-line with [jorge]. In addition, I’m sending the diff in attachment so that you can see the changes before we submit the new version. If you are good with the changes, we will submit them in version 11. Thanks. Jorge From: Jeffrey Haas <jhaas@pfrc.org> Date: Thursday, April 25, 2024 at 7:08 AM To: draft-ietf-bess-evpn-ipvpn-interworking@ietf.org <draft-ietf-bess-evpn-ipvpn-interworking@ietf.org>, bess@ietf.org <bess@ietf.org> Cc: idr@ietf.org <idr@ietf.org>, idr-chairs@ietf.org <idr-chairs@ietf.org> Subject: Review of draft-ietf-bess-evpn-ipvpn-interworking-10 ipvpn authors. Here is my long delayed review for draft-ietf-bess-evpn-ipvpn-interworking using version 10. To aid in review, I'm using the idnits output for this version of the draft to help identify line numbers. Note, idnits is flagging the following, which needs expansion to make the RFC Editor happy. ** The abstract seems to contain references ([RFC4271]), which it shouldn't. Please replace those with straight textual mentions of the documents in question. 35 modifies the BGP best path selection for multiprotocol BGP routes of 36 SAFI 128 and EVPN IP Prefix routes, and therefore this document 37 updates the BGP best path selection in [RFC4271], but only for IPVPN 38 and EVPN families. Here is the citation to 4271 that it wants expanded according to the nits rules. [jorge] ok, reference replaced/removed. 419 4. Domain Path Attribute (D-PATH) [...] 424 Similar to AS_PATH, D-PATH is composed of a sequence of Domain 425 segments. Each Domain segment is comprised of <domain segment 426 length, domain segment value>, where the domain segment value is a 427 sequence of one or more Domains, as illustrated in Figure 6. Each 428 domain is represented by <DOMAIN-ID:ISF_SAFI_TYPE>. The format for D-PATH being a sequence of Domain segments has been there since the beginning, so note that I'm not recommending any format changes. It probably would have simplified things since there is no similar segment type to motivate needing to differentiate the sequence entries from each other. For example, validation becomes "is the attribute length divisible by 7". :-) Having reviewed the full document for the procedure, there's discussion that Domains are prepended to the D-PATH similar to the AS_PATH. However, part of BGP's procedures for AS_PATH effectively is how to minimize segments. From RFC 4271, Section 5.1.2.b.1 : 1) if the first path segment of the AS_PATH is of type : AS_SEQUENCE, the local system prepends its own AS number as : the last element of the sequence (put it in the leftmost : position with respect to the position of octets in the : protocol message). If the act of prepending will cause an : overflow in the AS_PATH segment (i.e., more than 255 ASes), : it SHOULD prepend a new segment of type AS_SEQUENCE and : prepend its own AS number to this new segment. The normative text describing prepending Domains to the D-PATH attribute needs some text describing when new segments are generated. [jorge] I added the following text, let me know what you think: a. Identifies the sequence of domains, each identified by a <DOMAIN-ID:ISF_SAFI_TYPE> through which a given ISF route of type IPVPN or EVPN has passed. o This attribute list MAY contain one or more segments. Each segment's Domain Segment Length MUST be equal or greater than one. <snip> o In order to minimize the number of segments in the D-PATH attribute, the local gateway PE prepends its own domain as the last element of the domain segment. If the act of prepending a new domain causes an overflow in the domain segment (i.e., more than 255 domains), the local gateway PE MUST prepend a new segment and prepend its own domain to this new segment. 446 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 447 +-----------------------+-----------+ 448 | Global | Local | 449 | Admin | Admin | 450 +-----------------------+-----------+ 452 Figure 6: D-PATH Domain Segment 454 * The domain segment length field is a 1-octet field, containing the 455 number of domains in the segment. 457 * DOMAIN-ID is a 6-octet field that represents a domain. It is 458 composed of a 4-octet Global Administrator sub-field and a 2-octet 459 Local Administrator sub-field. The Global Administrator sub-field 460 MAY be filled with an Autonomous System Number (ASN, Public or 461 Private), an IPv4 address, or any value that guarantees the 462 uniqueness of the DOMAIN-ID (when the tenant network is connected 463 to multiple Operators) and helps troubleshooting and debugging of 464 D-PATH in ISF routes. The Local Administrator sub-field is any 465 local 2-octet value, and its allocation or configuration is a 466 local implementation matter. The intent for domain id appears to be that the contents of the type is "structured", in the sense that it has a "global" field and a "local" field is clear. The related intent here appears to be that the contents are opaque. Several examples for the Global Admin field are offered. The fact that the examples are aligned with RFC 4360 Extended Community types is perhaps not a surprise. However, the comparison with Extended Communities breaks down somewhat in that the domain-id does not provide an additional qualifier on the semantics of the Global Admin field. For Extended Communities, that's the type/subtype. From a protocol perspective, this is "fine". From an operational perspective, it's somewhat problematic. Consider two implementations: One which treats the field as an unsigned 32-bit number; perhaps an AS number, or "just a number". The other has the configuration semantics of an IPv4 dotted-quad address. Clearly it's possible to map each implementation's configuration type to the other. But it creates operational friction. Another place this ambiguity becomes a challenge will be in future YANG modules. At this point, I'm unable to find reference to D-PATH in the IETF evpn YANG module (casual review) or in OpenConfig. In order to represent the domain-id, a display format will be needed. In the absence of something in the attribute to qualify the semantics, something generic will have to be selected. Perhaps that's just opaque unsigned integers for each field. That's fine. Consider whether the intended opaqueness and flexibility will be worth the future contention over display formats in interoperable management systems. [jorge] The format of the global admin value is purposedly kept lose so that the spec is not closed to a specific structure that may be useful. In reality, there are only two ‘structures’ – ipv4 address format or an unsigned integer (which can match an ASN). Based on the implementations I am aware of, and that we tested at the EANTC event over the years, I can see that most vendors use the 4-octet-uint:2-octet-uint format for global-admin:local-admin values. I only know of one vendor that allows the ipv4 address format as an option. As you say, this does not represent a functional interoperability issue. But I see your point about YANG implementations using different structures. I added the following, which I think should be sufficient to guide people to use opaque unsigned integers as structure, while not forbidding the use of other structures: “The representation of the Global Administrator and Local Administrator values as opaque unsigned integers is RECOMMENDED.” 487 The BGP D-PATH attribute is supported on ISF routes of type IPVPN and 488 EVPN and MUST NOT be advertised along with routes different from 489 IPVPN and EVPN routes. By default, the BGP D-PATH attribute is not 490 advertised and MUST be explicitly enabled by configuration on the 491 Gateway PEs. In addition, D-PATH: 493 a. Identifies the sequence of domains, each identified by a <DOMAIN- 494 ID:ISF_SAFI_TYPE> through which a given ISF route of type IPVPN 495 or EVPN has passed. [...] 508 * As an example, an ISF IPVPN or EVPN route received with a 509 D-PATH attribute containing a domain segment of {length=2, 510 <6500:2:IPVPN>,<6500:1:EVPN>} indicates that the route was 511 originated in EVPN domain 6500:1, and propagated into IPVPN 512 domain 6500:2. Style comment that may be flagged by others: Normative behaviors and examples are mixed together in this list. In my opinion, they're clear. However, some reviewers have strong preferences about not mixing them. [jorge] ok, we’ll leave it like that for the moment then. 546 c. For a local ISF route, i.e., a configured route or a route 547 learned from a local attachment circuit, a gateway PE has three 548 choices: 550 1. It MAY advertise that ISF route without a D-PATH attribute 551 into one or more of its configured domains, in which case the 552 D-PATH attribute will be added by the other gateway PEs in 553 each of those domains. 555 2. It MAY advertise that ISF route with a D-PATH attribute into 556 one or more of its configured domains, in which case the 557 D-PATH attribute in each copy of the ISF route is initialized 558 with an ISF_SAFI_TYPE of 0 and the DOMAIN-ID of the domain 559 with which the ISF route is associated. 561 3. It MAY advertise that ISF route with a D-PATH attribute that 562 contains a configured domain specific to its local ISF routes 563 into one or more of its configured domains, in which case the 564 D-PATH attribute in each copy of the ISF route is initialized 565 with a ISF_SAFI_TYPE of 0 and the DOMAIN-ID for the local ISF 566 routes. This DOMAIN-ID MUST be globally unique and MAY be 567 shared by two or more gateway PEs. There are three MAYs above. Is there a motivation to not make one of these the RECOMMENDED case? Some of the normative text later on, e.g. Section 8, has explicit procedure for this. For comparison to BGP's loop prevention mechanisms, normally you'd always want to append that mechanism when advertising to the next node. This means you will consistently know where the thing (AS, cluster-id) is at and there's no possibility that the device attaching it would be missed in loop detection. I'm also having some difficulty understanding the difference between c.2 and c.3 above. [jorge] I added this in option 3, let me know if it helps: “3. It MAY advertise that ISF route with a D-PATH attribute that contains a configured domain specific to its local ISF routes into one or more of its configured domains, in which case the D-PATH attribute in each copy of the ISF route is initialized with a ISF_SAFI_TYPE of 0 and the DOMAIN-ID for the local ISF routes. This DOMAIN-ID MUST be globally unique and MAY be shared by two or more gateway PEs. Although the three options help detect control plane loops, this option 3 is RECOMMENDED, since it is the option that provides more information about the differentiated origin of the route (it uses a DOMAIN-ID and ISF_SAFI_TYPE that identifies the route as a local gateway route).” 629 g. The following error-handling rules apply to the D-PATH attribute: 631 1. A received D-PATH attribute is considered malformed if it 632 contains a malformed Domain Segment. 634 2. A Domain Segment is considered malformed in any of the 635 following cases: 637 * The Domain Segment length of the last Domain Segment 638 causes the D-PATH attribute length to be exceeded. Is the intention of this sentence to say "the remaining content is longer than the d-path path attribute length? (I generally refer to such overrun issues an "enveloping" problem.) [jorge] another way of explaining would be: when parsing the domain segments, the last one has a length that is greater than the d-path attribute length minus the sum of the lengths of all the already parsed domain segments. To me the above should be clear, but let us know if you prefer a different wording. 640 * After the last successfully parsed Domain Segment there 641 are less than eight octets remaining. Consider some additional text: The D-PATH attribute MUST be at least 8 octets in length or it is malformed. For each contained Domain Segment, the Domain Segment length is one octet containing the number of Domains in this segment, each of which are 7 octets in length. If the total length of the Domain Segment in octets (1 + 7 * number of Domains) exceeds the remaining length of the D-PATH attribute, the Domain Segment is malformed. [jorge] ok, added, thanks. 643 * The Domain Segment has a Domain Segment Length of zero. This is folded into the "at least 8" above, if accepted. [jorge] ok, removed, thanks. 651 5. In case a PE receives more than one D-PATH attribute with a 652 route, the PE SHALL process the first one in the list and not 653 store and propagate the others. This point goes against RFC 4271's requirement to not duplicate path attributes. RFC 7606 doesn't loosen this stricture. [jorge] hmm.. can you please elaborate a bit? Do you mean that this point is not needed because the originating PE should not duplicate the D-PATH attribute in the first place? This is just saying what to do in case that happens (even if it shouldn’t). 766 5.3. Aggregation of Routes and Path Attribute Propagation [...] 790 * An ISF aggregate route SHOULD NOT be advertised unless all the 791 contributing ISF routes have the same D-PATH value. If there is 792 at least one contributing ISF route that has different D-PATH, the 793 gateway PE SHOULD advertise each contributing ISF route with its 794 own D-PATH (prepended with the gateway's domain). An 795 implementation MAY override this behavior, via policy, to 796 advertise an ISF aggregate route without D-PATH in case the 797 contributing routes did not have the same D-PATH value. While the D-PATH is built as a vector rather than as a set, the loop prevention characteristics are "does the receiving domain exist in the D-PATH attribute". I.e., it's set membership as an operation. "the same D-PATH value" implies exact match. Would it be more precise to compare D-PATH attributes that do not have the same members? A secondary consideration is that the ISF_SAFI_TYPE is irrelevant to loop detection and is only informational. Thus, for aggregation purposes, are the following D-PATHs equivalent? <65001:1:0> <65001:1:EVPN> <65001:1:IPVPN> [jorge] good point. I agree it is more accurate to refer to D-PATH DOMAIN-ID members. I changed it to: · “An ISF aggregate route SHOULD NOT be advertised unless all the contributing ISF routes have the same D-PATH DOMAIN-ID members. If there is at least one contributing ISF route that has a different D-PATH DOMAIN-ID, the gateway PE SHOULD advertise each contributing ISF route with its own D-PATH (prepended with the gateway's domain). An implementation MAY override this behavior, via policy, to advertise an ISF aggregate route without D-PATH in case the contributing routes did not have the same D-PATH DOMAIN-ID members.” 799 * The Community, Extended Community and Large Community attributes 800 of the aggregate ISF route MUST contain all the Communities/ 801 Extended Communities/Large Communities from all of the aggregated 802 ISF routes, with the exceptions of the extended communities listed 803 in Section 5.2 that are not propagated. Note that while this practice was established in RFC 1997, modern implementations do not always provide such aggregation of communities. Minimally, I recommend this be changed from MUST to SHOULD. There are two general motivations for this lack of community aggregation: 1. The resulting aggregated community attributes may churn as contributing route membership to the aggregate itself churns. This can cause unwanted BGP UPDATEs for the aggregate route and decreases its stability. 2. Communities are more often than not control signaling for policy. Indiscriminately aggregating them leads to confusing signaling. It's a fair criticism that RFC 1997 needs an update on these points. [jorge] ok, it’s a fair point. Changed to “SHOULD”. 812 6. Route Selection Process for ISF Routes [...] 875 Example 1 - PE1 receives the following routes for IP1/32, that are 876 candidate to be imported into IP-VRF-1: 878 {SAFI=EVPN, RT-2, Local-Pref=100, AS-Path=(100,200)} 879 {SAFI=EVPN, RT-5, Local-Pref=100, AS-Path=(100,200)} 880 {SAFI=128, Local-Pref=100, AS-Path=(100,200)} 882 Selected route: {SAFI=EVPN, RT-2, Local-Pref=100, AS-Path=100,200] 883 (due to step 3, and no ECMP). I suspect this example, and the following one, intend "RT-" to be "RD-". The RT in question should be the same for the candidate routes for the VRF and the RD is used to distinguish those routes. [jorge] in the example RT-2 is “route type 2”, whereas RT-5 is “route type 5”, as in the terminology section. So I left it as is for the moment. Let us know if you are ok with it. 894 7. Composite PE Procedures 933 In a composite domain with composite and regular PEs: 935 1. The composite PEs MUST advertise the same IP prefixes in each ISF 936 SAFI to the Route Reflector (RR). For example, in Figure 7, the 937 prefix IP1/24 is advertised by PE1 and PE2 to the Route Reflector 938 in two separate NLRIs, one for AFI/SAFI 1/128 and another one for 939 EVPN. It may be worth highlighting that while the procedure here is clear, that a note regarding prioritzing the announcement of the EVPN route prior to the IPVPN route may be a good idea. According to the route selection rules, the EVPN route will win vs. the same ISF carried in an IPVPN route. As noted in the following section: 976 6. As an informative note, in composite domains, such as the one in 977 Figure 7, the EVPN advanced forwarding features will only be 978 available to composite and EVPN PEs (assuming they select an EVPN 979 IP Prefix route to forward packets for a given IP prefix), and 980 not to IPVPN PEs. For example, assuming PE1 sends IP1/24 in an If the EVPN route arrives first, the selected route is not replaced by the IPVPN route and the PE can take advantage of the above "advanced forwarding features". The opposite case is that the IPVPN route arrives first, forwarding is installed, and must then be updated when the EVPN route arrives. Note that some implementations do not support route prioritization. Similarly, BGP's convergence properties are such that even if prioritized at the originating PE that two routes may not arrive in a specific order at the destination PE. Thus, such prioritization MUST be optional but may still be a good optimization. [jorge] to me this is implementation specific, but it may still be a good point to document, thanks. I added this: 1. The composite PEs MUST advertise the same IP prefixes in each ISF SAFI to the Route Reflector (RR). For example, in Figure 7<https://author-tools.ietf.org/api/export/e90bacfc-96a6-46a2-bbc7-53497e930289/draft-ietf-bess-evpn-ipvpn-interworking-11.html#composite-pe-example>, the prefix IP1/24 is advertised by PE1 and PE2 to the Route Reflector in two separate NLRIs, one for AFI/SAFI 1/128 and another one for EVPN. If the two routes are advertised with the same set of attributes, the remote Composite PE selection process will pick up the EVPN route over the IPVPN route (as per Section 6<https://author-tools.ietf.org/api/export/e90bacfc-96a6-46a2-bbc7-53497e930289/draft-ietf-bess-evpn-ipvpn-interworking-11.html#sect-6>) For this reason, prioritizing the announcement of the EVPN route prior to the IPVPN route is an OPTIONAL optimization, since, if the EVPN route arrives at the composite PE first, the selected route is not replaced by the IPVPN route later. 1178 10. BGP Error Handling on Interworking PEs [...] 1190 * The Interworking PEs do not introduce any new error-handling rules 1191 for UPDATES received with NLRIs and BGP Path Attributes defined in 1192 other specifications. Interworking PEs follow the error-handling 1193 defined in the specification for the specific NLRI or BGP Path 1194 Attribute. In other words, UPDATES for BGP IP routes MUST follow 1195 the error-handling procedures of [RFC4760] [RFC8950], UPDATES for 1196 IPVPN routes MUST follow the error-handling rules of [RFC4364] 1197 [RFC4659], UPDATES for EVPN MAC/IP routes MUST follow the error- 1198 handling of [RFC7432] [RFC8365] and UPDATES for EVPN IP Prefix 1199 routes MUST follow the error-handling in [RFC9136]. 1201 * Received UPDATE messages to be programmed in IP-VRFs supporting 1202 Segment Routing for IPv6 data path (SRv6) follow the error- 1203 handling rules defined in [RFC9252]. What's the motivation for the statements above? In general, when new BGP attributes are used, the error handling for those attributes is expected also to be used. The above text seems to imply, "don't do that". [jorge] not sure if I understand. The only motivation for those statements is to remind the reader that the error-handling defined in other specs related to those routes are also applicable, and they should be aware of it. Do you mean that is not needed to say and we should remove those two points? 1265 12. Security Considerations [...] 1270 Section 4 introduces the use of the D-PATH attribute, which provides 1271 a security tool against control plane loops that may be introduced by 1272 the use of gateway PEs that propagate ISF IPVPN/EVPN routes between 1273 domains. A correct use of the D-PATH will prevent control plane and I don't know that the security directorate would consider D-PATH a "security" tool. I'd suggest stating instead: "Section 4 introduces the use of the D-PATH attribute, which provides a loop prevention mechanism that is used by gateway PEs that propagate ISF IPVPN/EVPN routes between domains." 1274 data plane loops in the network, however an incorrect configuration 1275 of the DOMAIN-IDs or an inconsistent support of D-PATH on the Gateway 1276 PEs may lead to the detection of false route loops, the blackholing 1277 of the traffic or may result in inconsistent and sub-optimal routing. ... and the text above follows mis-use of D-PATH as a security consideration. [jorge] ok, I made the suggested change. Thanks! -- Jeff
- [bess] Review of draft-ietf-bess-evpn-ipvpn-inter… Jeffrey Haas
- Re: [bess] Review of draft-ietf-bess-evpn-ipvpn-i… Jeffrey Haas
- [bess] Re: Review of draft-ietf-bess-evpn-ipvpn-i… Jorge Rabadan (Nokia)
- [bess] Re: Review of draft-ietf-bess-evpn-ipvpn-i… Jeffrey Haas
- [bess] Re: Review of draft-ietf-bess-evpn-ipvpn-i… Jorge Rabadan (Nokia)
- [bess] Re: Review of draft-ietf-bess-evpn-ipvpn-i… Jeffrey Haas