[bess] Some questions about PBB EVPN (RFC7623)

<wang.yubao2@zte.com.cn> Wed, 10 April 2019 10:04 UTC

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Hi all,

I have some questions about PBB EVPN.

I haven't find clear explanation in current EVPN RFCs or drafts.

I need some help to check my understanding.

Question 1:

The ESI and B-MAC is assigned to a LAG interface or physical interface, 

but it's their sub-interfaces that actually attaches a MAC-VRF instance.

So when the sub-interface fails and it's main-interface is still operational,

The B-MAC for ESI is not withdrawn, and remote PE will continue to load-balance traffic to the sub-interface.

So all the packet toward the failed sub-interface is drop?

Is this what the RFC 7623 expects?

Question 2:

RFC 7623 says that:

      In the case where per-I-SID load-balancing is desired among the PE

   nodes in a given redundancy group, multiple unicast B-MAC addresses      

   are allocated per multihomed ES: Each PE connected to the multihomed     

   segment is assigned a unique B-MAC.  Every PE then advertises its        

   B-MAC address using the BGP MAC Advertisement route.  

It means that the ESI B-MAC on the ESI's adjacent PEs is different from each other.

So how can we do ESI filter by B-MAC comparison(which is discribed in

Question 3:

The B-Component of PBB EVPN is assumed to be a MPLS EVPN MAC-VRF in RFC7623,

But technically we can use a VXLAN EVPN MAC-VRF instead, 

Does it make sense? 

Or I don't need to consider this usecase at all?

Question 4:

We have EVPN IRB usecases in MPLS/VXLAN EVPN,

But I don't see there is a EVPN IRB usecase in PBB EVPN from the EVPN IRB drafts.

So, is this usecase useless?  or will it be considered in the future?

I haven't find clear explanation about these questions. 

Is there something important I have missed?

Best Regards
