[bess] Poll to continue or not the work on draft-ietf-bess-service-chaining

<stephane.litkowski@orange.com> Wed, 03 April 2019 12:34 UTC

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From: stephane.litkowski@orange.com
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Hi WG,

As pointed on the mailing list and during our session in Prague (IETF 104), the shepherd's review of draft-ietf-bess-service-chaining [1] has identified major issues that make the document far from being ready.

As the document is targeted to be standard track, the work to make it ready is quite huge and we, chairs, are wondering if the WG still supports this work.
The current proposal from the authors is to split the document: one informational, one standard track (containing the BGP extensions). The work remains huge. While we are happy to hear about this proposal, we need to ensure that the WG supports this proposal and will be kind to review/comment the new drafts.

This email starts a 2 weeks poll to determine if the work on this document should continue or if this document should be parked.
Please answer to this poll telling us if you want to support this document (you so commit on commenting and reviewing it) or if you don't support. In both cases, please explain why.
Authors should also commit on the roadmap for the document split/update.

The poll ends on Wed 17th April.

[1] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-bess-service-chaining/

Stephane & Matthew


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