[bess] Some question about the evpn yang
"Wanghaibo (Rainsword)" <rainsword.wang@huawei.com> Thu, 06 December 2018 06:54 UTC
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From: "Wanghaibo (Rainsword)" <rainsword.wang@huawei.com>
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Dear Editors of the EVPN YANG data model draft, 1. I have found that there are list ip-prefix-route under the evpn-instance, when will use this? +--rw evpn-instances +--rw evpn-instance* [name] +--ro routes | +--ro ip-prefix-route* 2. According to this model, how to support EVPN vlan-aware service? would highly appreciated your responses. Regards, Haibo
- [bess] Some question about the evpn yang Wanghaibo (Rainsword)