[bess] Comparing using the SD-WAN Overlay SAFI specified by draft-dunbar-idr-bgp-sdwan-overlay-ext with the EVPN approach described by draft-sajassi-bess-secure-evpn-00
Linda Dunbar <linda.dunbar@huawei.com> Tue, 30 October 2018 16:19 UTC
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From: Linda Dunbar <linda.dunbar@huawei.com>
To: "idr@ietf.org" <idr@ietf.org>, "bess@ietf.org" <bess@ietf.org>
Thread-Topic: Comparing using the SD-WAN Overlay SAFI specified by draft-dunbar-idr-bgp-sdwan-overlay-ext with the EVPN approach described by draft-sajassi-bess-secure-evpn-00
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Subject: [bess] Comparing using the SD-WAN Overlay SAFI specified by draft-dunbar-idr-bgp-sdwan-overlay-ext with the EVPN approach described by draft-sajassi-bess-secure-evpn-00
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IDR group, BESS group, https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-dunbar-idr-bgp-sdwan-overlay-ext/ specifies a new BGP SAFI (=74) in order to advertise a SD-WAN edge node's capabilities in establishing SD-WAN overlay tunnels with other SD-WAN nodes through third party untrusted networks. draft-sajassi-bess-secure-evpn-00 describes an EVPN solution for PE nodes to exchange key and policy to create private pair-wise IPsec Security Associations without IKEv2 point-to-point signaling or any other direct peer-to-peer session establishment messages. I think those two solutions are not conflicting with each other. Actually they are compliment to each other to some degree. For example, - the Re-key mechanism described by draft-sajassi-bess-secure-evpn-00 can be utilized by draft-dunbar-idr-bgp-sdwan-overlay-ext - The SD-WAN Overlay SAFI can be useful to simplify the process on RR to re-distribute the Tunnel End properties to authorized peers. - When SD-WAN edge nodes use private address, or no IP address, NAT properties for the end points distribution described draft-dunbar-idr-bgp-sdwan-overlay-ext is necessary. - The secure channel between SD-WAN edge nodes and RR described by draft-dunbar-idr-bgp-sdwan-overlay-ext is necessary. Any thoughts? Thank you very much. Linda Dunbar
- [bess] Comparing using the SD-WAN Overlay SAFI sp… Linda Dunbar
- Re: [bess] Comparing using the SD-WAN Overlay SAF… Ali Sajassi (sajassi)
- Re: [bess] Comparing using the SD-WAN Overlay SAF… Linda Dunbar
- Re: [bess] Comparing using the SD-WAN Overlay SAF… Ali Sajassi (sajassi)
- Re: [bess] Comparing using the SD-WAN Overlay SAF… Ali Sajassi (sajassi)
- Re: [bess] Comparing using the SD-WAN Overlay SAF… Robert Raszuk
- Re: [bess] Comparing using the SD-WAN Overlay SAF… Linda Dunbar
- Re: [bess] [Idr] Comparing using the SD-WAN Overl… Rabadan, Jorge (Nokia - US/Mountain View)
- Re: [bess] Comparing using the SD-WAN Overlay SAF… Robert Raszuk