Re: [bess] Benjamin Kaduk's No Objection on draft-ietf-bess-bgp-vpls-control-flags-07: (with COMMENT)

Ravi Singh <> Sat, 20 April 2019 02:09 UTC

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From: Ravi Singh <>
To: Benjamin Kaduk <>, The IESG <>
CC: "" <>, Mach Chen <>, "" <>, "" <>
Thread-Topic: Benjamin Kaduk's No Objection on draft-ietf-bess-bgp-vpls-control-flags-07: (with COMMENT)
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Subject: Re: [bess] Benjamin Kaduk's No Objection on draft-ietf-bess-bgp-vpls-control-flags-07: (with COMMENT)
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Hi Benjamin
Thanks for your detailed feedback.

Please see inline for <RS>.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Benjamin Kaduk via Datatracker []
> Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2019 8:35 AM
> To: The IESG <>
> Cc:; Mach Chen
> <>;;;
> Subject: Benjamin Kaduk's No Objection on draft-ietf-bess-bgp-vpls-control-
> flags-07: (with COMMENT)
> Benjamin Kaduk has entered the following ballot position for
> draft-ietf-bess-bgp-vpls-control-flags-07: No Objection
> When responding, please keep the subject line intact and reply to all email
> addresses included in the To and CC lines. (Feel free to cut this introductory
> paragraph, however.)
> Please refer to
> 3A__www.ietf.org_iesg_statement_discuss-
> 2Dcriteria.html&d=DwICaQ&c=HAkYuh63rsuhr6Scbfh0UjBXeMK-
> ndb3voDTXcWzoCI&r=6ArkE4n20mNZQF6JxrMYwJyAGBWWjzhSIC2O3-
> fXPV4&m=bYCIT8qprRL9tp64crav4NXQbv-
> 9JtK1NodEE30aj4Y&s=gKACcDwG815F9IokZIdC2_-SkojE9jRvN6G5s46EJp0&e=
> for more information about IESG DISCUSS and COMMENT positions.
> The document, along with other ballot positions, can be found here:
> 3A__datatracker.ietf.org_doc_draft-2Dietf-2Dbess-2Dbgp-2Dvpls-2Dcontrol-
> 2Dflags_&d=DwICaQ&c=HAkYuh63rsuhr6Scbfh0UjBXeMK-
> ndb3voDTXcWzoCI&r=6ArkE4n20mNZQF6JxrMYwJyAGBWWjzhSIC2O3-
> fXPV4&m=bYCIT8qprRL9tp64crav4NXQbv-
> 9JtK1NodEE30aj4Y&s=YK6yKMztrNqCa2EKzwI9j4Rp7lgy5gK6xuHRqJJSbdI&e=
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Thanks for this document; it's good to get this behavior clarified and made
> more usable.
> Unfortunately, I cannot agree with the "no new security considerations"
> statement in Section 7.  I wavered for a while on whether to make this a
> DISCUSS-level point, but decided not to since I don't think the material
> consequences are especially severe.  Please take it under consideration,
> though.

<RS> I've updated the security considerations section.

> It seems to me that we are changing the expected tradeoff between
> availability and functionality, and that change should be documented as a
> new consideration.  Specifically, the state prior to this document (in practice)
> seems to be that when a PE advertises the C-bit in its NLRI, all PWs in both
> directions that use that NLRI will use the CW, or will fail.  Any transient error,
> random bit flip, attacker-induced bit flip, etc., would cause a PW failure
> which is presumably highly visible.  Using the recommendations in this
> document, we prioritize availability over using the CW feature, so those
> errors/bit-flips now cause the PW to be established but not use the CW,
> which may be a less visible event and have second-order effects for the
> traffic therein.  The operator deploying this technology should make an
> informed decision about its usage.
> (We are also changing the behavior of the S bit so there would be some
> considerations there, too, though failure to agree on the S bit still results in a
> highly visible outage, so the considerations are a little different.)
> Some other, more minor, section-by-section comments follow.
> Section 1
> ["PE" is not listed as "well-known" at
> 2Deditor.org_materials_abbrev.expansion.txt&d=DwICaQ&c=HAkYuh63rsuh
> r6Scbfh0UjBXeMK-
> ndb3voDTXcWzoCI&r=6ArkE4n20mNZQF6JxrMYwJyAGBWWjzhSIC2O3-
> fXPV4&m=bYCIT8qprRL9tp64crav4NXQbv-9JtK1NodEE30aj4Y&s=SPOx6ODer-
> K0xPN-CpKPGJii3Lb9cSv41y9d4ChYZb4&e= and thus would normally be a
> candidate for expansion on first use]

<RS>: Addressed

>    The use of the Control Word (CW) helps prevent mis-ordering of IPv4
>    or IPv6 Psuedo-Wire (PW) traffic over Equal Cost Multi-Path (ECMP)
>    paths or Link Aggregation Group (LAG) bundles. [RFC4385] describes
>    the format for CW that may be used over Point-to-Point PWs and over a
>    VPLS. Along with [RFC3985], the document also describes sequence
>    number usage for VPLS frames.
> RFC 4385 seems to be carrying fairly generic disucssion, to me, without a
> clear statement that that CW format should be used for p2p PWs and VPLS
> usage.  (Though, I cannot dispute the "that may be used" statement, since
> the intent of 4385 seems to be quite generic.)  Perhaps it is more accurate to
> say "a format" than "the format", though, absent some other specification
> that mandates this particular one?

[<RS>] There is no other specification, AFAIK, for a control-word format other than what is in RFC4835.
So, "the format" seems appropriate.

> Section 3.1
> This new behavior means that any fault (or attacker influence) causes the PW
> to degrade to not using the CW, and possibly to do so "silently".
> In other contexts this sort of fallback would get harsh review from the
> security community, though it's unclear that the risk/reward here merits a
> harsh response.
> Section 3.2
>    send outgoing frames with sequence numbers as well.  This memo
>    further specifies the expected behavior. [...]
> I would prefer to see an explicit statement of the semantics of (not) setting
> the S-bit, as given by this specification.  (That is, the previous section says "If
> a PE sets the C-bit in its NLRI, [...]" but we don't have a similarly declarative
> statement for the S bit.) Note, however, that this is the non-blocking
> COMMENT portion of the ballot and I am not trying to impose my preference
> on you.
> Do we need to say that if both PEs send a S-bit of 0, sequence numbers
> MUST NOT be used?

<RS> I've address this in -08.

> I a little bit expected to see some text about why CW usage and sequencing
> are sufficiently different so as to get differential treatment for mismatched
> advertisement, but perhaps it is not really necessary for a document of this
> nature.

<RS> I've addressed this in -08.

> Section 5
> [VPLS-MULTIHOMING] is not yet in IESG processing; would it make sense to
> move this content into that document?

<RS> I believe keeping C-bit/S-bit mismatch handling in a single document makes it easier to understand the behavior.

> Section 5.2
>      The PW behavior is similar to the CW scenario so that the insertion
>      of S-bit evaluation SHOULD be independent per PW.  However, because
> nit: I think this would be a lot clearer if it was "The PW behavior with respect
> to sequencing is similar to the CW scenario".  (But maybe that's just because
> my brain is still parsing PW and CW as visually similar and trying to make
> them be semantically similar, even though they are not.)
>      one PW would be established, between PE1 and PE2.  Thus, even
>      though CE5 is physically multi-homed, due to PE4's lack of support
>      for S-bit, and no PW between PE1 and PE4, CE5 would not be multi-
>      homed.
> nit: I think the relevant attribute is the lack of support for
> *sequencing* (which is indicated via the S-bit), rather than "lack of support
> for S-bit" itself.

<RS> Addressed

> Section 6
>    Let PE2 and PE3 also be CW enabled. Let PE4 not be CW enabled. PE1
>    will advertise a VPLS BGP NLRI, containing the C/S bits marked as 1.
>    PE2 and PE3 on learning of NLRI from PE1, will include the CW in VPLS
>    frames being forwarded to PE1. However, PE4 which does not have the
>    ability to include CW, will not.
> This text seems to be written to the letter of RFC 4761 excluding the
> modifications made by this document (i.e., advertising NLRI leads to peers
> setting those bits for traffic to the indicated PE, without any negotiation).
> Do we want any discussion of the sequencing behaviors and S-bit settings for
> this example?

<RS>: Addressed.