[bess] [BESS] Conflicting rules among the Yang models on the association between IRB/AC interface and IP-VRF/MAC-VRF instance.
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Subject: [bess] [BESS] Conflicting rules among the Yang models on the association between IRB/AC interface and IP-VRF/MAC-VRF instance.
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Hi all, I find some conflicting rules about interface-to-VRF binding between draft-ietf-rtgwg-ni-model-12 and draft-ietf-bess-l2vpn-yang-09.txt. It is as below: RULE1: [NI-model] Section 3.2 says that: The bind-network-instance-name leaf provides the association between an interface and its associated NI (e.g., VRF or VSI). RULE2: [draft-ietf-bess-evpn-yang-06] Section 3.3 says that: augment /ni:network-instances/ni:network-instance/ni:ni-type/l2vpn:l2vpn: +--rw evpn-instance? evpn-instance-ref and [draft-ietf-bess-l2vpn-yang-09.txt] Section 3.6.3 says that: Each entry in the endpoint list, may hold AC, PW or redundancy-grp references. The core aspect of endpoint container is its flexible personality based on what user decides to include in it. It is future-proofed with possible extensions that can be included in the endpoint container such as Integrated Route Bridging (IRB), PW Headend, Virtual Switch Instance, etc. According to the RULE1, The bind-network-instance-name leaf provides the association between an interface and its associated MAC-VRF or IP-VRF. According to the RULE2, IRB/AC interface is associated to it's EVPN MAC-VRF via the "end-point" entry. So I have the follow two questions: Question 1: How should I bind an AC to it's EVPN MAC-VRF according to these drafts? Question 2: How should I bind an IRB interface to it's EVPN MAC-VRF and EVPN IP-VRF according to these drafts? For Question 1, my understanding is as below: I should follow the RULE2 to bind an AC to it's associated EVPN MAC-VRF. The RULE1 doesn't work for L2VPN ACs, because if the RULE1 is applied to the association between AC and its associated MAC-VRF, It should be applied to the association between IRB interface and its associated MAC-VRF too. But obviously the RULE1 should be applied to the association between IRB interface and its associated IP-VRF. Consequently, for Question 2, my understanding is as below: I should follow the RULE1 to bind an IRB to it's associated EVPN IP-VRF. I should follow the RULE2 to bind an IRB to it's associated EVPN MAC-VRF. Is my understanding correct? Best Regards Bob
- [bess] [BESS] Conflicting rules among the Yang mo… wang.yubao2
- Re: [bess] [BESS] Conflicting rules among the Yan… wang.yubao2