Re: [bfcpbis] Misplaced text in draft-ietf-bfcpbis-rfc4582bis-03

Tom Kristensen <> Tue, 26 June 2012 12:22 UTC

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Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2012 14:22:11 +0200
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Subject: Re: [bfcpbis] Misplaced text in draft-ietf-bfcpbis-rfc4582bis-03
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The changes you propose below seems to make sense and will keep the 
logic partitioning of the text with regards to requirements/behaviour 
for the different roles in the separate sections:

10.  Floor Participant Operations
11.  Chair Operations
12.  General Client Operations
13.  Floor Control Server Operations

I no objections are received, I'll proceed to shuffle the text across 
according to your comments; thank you very much!

-- Tom

On 06/25/2012 05:34 PM, Horvath, Ernst wrote:
> I think some text needs to be shifted into a different section, as detailed below.
> Sections 10.1.2 and 10.2.2 both start with a sentence
>    "When communicating over unreliable transport and upon receiving a
>     [FloorRequest/FloorRelease] from a participant, the floor control server MUST
>     respond with a FloorRequestStatus message within the transaction
>     failure window to complete the transaction."
> These statements put a normative requirement on the floor control server and should therefore go into section 13.1 and 13.4, respectively.
> Similarly, the sentence
>    "When communicating over unreliable transport and upon receiving a
>     ChairAction from a participant, the floor control server MUST respond
>     with a ChairActionAck message within the transaction failure window
>     to complete the transaction."
> from 11.2 belongs into section 13.6. In addition, "from a participant" should rather be "from a chair" in that sentence.
> The same applies to
> - 12.1.2, where the 1st sentence should go into 13.5;
> - 12.2.2, where the 1st sentence should go into 13.2;
> - 12.3.2, where the 1st sentence should go into 13.3;
> - 12.4.2, where the 1st sentence should go into 13.7.
> Furthermore, section 13.1.3 specifies participant behaviour and should be moved into section 10.1, possibly under the heading "Reception of a Subsequent FloorRequestStatus Message".
> What could be covered in 13.1.3 (or as part of 13.1.2) instead is retransmission of a subsequent FloorRequestStatus message, which is currently not specified explicitly.
> Simlarly for 13.5.3, which should go into 12.1; retransmission of subsequent FloorStatus messages could be covered in 13.5.3 instead.
> 13.9 is also in the wrong section, but this subsection will disappear anyway if ErrorAck is removed as a whole.
> Regards,
> Ernst
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