[bfcpbis] TBD issues #4 and #5: How to pick next sequence number
Tom Kristensen <tomkrist@cisco.com> Tue, 13 November 2012 08:43 UTC
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Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2012 09:43:48 +0100
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Cc: Gonzalo Camarillo <Gonzalo.Camarillo@ericsson.com>
Subject: [bfcpbis] TBD issues #4 and #5: How to pick next sequence number
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Issue with picking sequence numbers and making sure it doesn't cause any issues with (late) arriving retransmissions. This may happen, even though UDP/BFCP requires just one outstanding transaction at the time. Gonzalo: > Section 6.2 [...] > The document says: " Transaction ID values are non-sequential and > entities are at liberty to select values at random." > > The document needs to make it clear what is the requirement and the > level of randomness required. For example, what happens if the same > transaction ID is reused and a retransmission of the message that > first used that transaction ID arrives? Tom: | No real random numbers are needed. This issue is solved in the | upcoming version of the draft. | However, we need a safe scheme to pick sequence numbers to avoid | late arriving retransmissions cause confusion). Gonzalo: > Section 8.1 > > "The client MUST set the Transaction ID value in the common header to > a number that is different from 0 and that MUST NOT be reused in > another message from the client until a response from the server is > received for the transaction." > > See my comment above about reusing transaction ID values and the risk > of receiving retransmissions of the original message. Tom: | OK. This is kept from RFC 4582 using TCP (and no retransmissions). So, the | idea should be to keep the RFC 4582 semantics for TCP transport and | introduce some sort of "sliding window sequence number" reuse or simply | add a sequential/wrapping sequence numbering for UDP as transport. So, what do people think? I feel the simplest here is to at least requring the BFCP entities to select Transaction ID values in increasing order and a wrap around of the 16 bit Transaction ID value. (This will require saying something about picking the intial value at random, not to close to wrapping and so on - I guess. Similar to RTP sequence numbers). Or is it sufficient to mandate not reusing the X last Transaction IDs used by the BFCP entity? Where X == what? -- Tom
- [bfcpbis] TBD issues #4 and #5: How to pick next … Tom Kristensen
- Re: [bfcpbis] TBD issues #4 and #5: How to pick n… Gonzalo Camarillo
- Re: [bfcpbis] TBD issues #4 and #5: How to pick n… Tom Kristensen