[bfcpbis] Proceedings for BFCPBIS WG meeting
"DRAGE, Keith (Keith)" <keith.drage@alcatel-lucent.com> Sat, 04 August 2012 18:12 UTC
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From: "DRAGE, Keith (Keith)" <keith.drage@alcatel-lucent.com>
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(As WG cochair) Following find the consolidated proceedings for the session. Thanks to note takers Shida Schubert and Alan Ford. Comments welcome, particularly if you said something that you think should be recorded. Regards Keith BFCPBIS working group Friday 3rd August 2012 ============================================ Room: Regency B (http://tools.ietf.org/agenda/84/venue/?room=regency-b) Meeting started 12:30 pm Agenda Bash and Status Update ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Chairs presenting. Slides: http://www.ietf.org/proceedings/84/slides/slides-84-bfcpbis-0.ppt Note well presented. Notetakers were Shida Schubert and Alan Ford. Jabber scribe Jonathan Lennox. No changes were made to the agenda. draft-ietf-bfcpbis-rfc4582bis-04 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- http://tools.ietf.org/wg/bfcpbis/draft-ietf-bfcpbis-rfc4582bis/ Tom Kristensen presenting Slides: http://www.ietf.org/proceedings/84/slides/slides-84-bfcpbis-1.pdf - Changes since IETF83. Small fixes - editorial etc. Motivational appendix and DTLS issue (reference) also fixed. -04 bigger changes after serious reviews, notably from Ernst Horvath and Alfred Heggestad. * Removed ErrorAck * Clarified transactions/connections * Error handling clarified * Client/server logic separated * Reliable transport and R/F flags. Jonathan Lennox in room questioned SHOULD for Tx, but pointed out (by KeithD, TomK, AlanF) that is the spirit of 4582 and there's not a bug to fix. * Clarified NAT traversal. Need STUN input. * and many more editorials Gonzalo - When will you take it through WGLC? Keith - Will put both drafts through WGLC together, and therefore discuss the two together at end of the session. draft-ietf-bfcpbis-rfc4583bis-02 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- http://tools.ietf.org/wg/bfcpbis/draft-ietf-bfcpbis-rfc4583bis/ Tom Kristensen presenting Slides: http://www.ietf.org/proceedings/84/slides/slides-84-bfcpbis-1.pdf - Changes since IETF83. Update from -00 to -01, ixed an interpretation of m-stream bug. Update from -01 to -02, added UDP/TLS example to complement TCP/TLS example. No remaining issues - ready for WGLC. Jonathan Lennox: How does BFCP over UDP/TLS play with ICE? TomK: Do not feel there is need to mention it - a reference to ICE is as far as it goes in 4583 and there's no need to change that. Jonathan seemed okay about just having reference. Next Steps ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Chairs presenting Slides: http://www.ietf.org/proceedings/84/slides/slides-84-bfcpbis-0.ppt 4582bis ready for WGLC (after small text clarification due from TomK and therefore update of the draft). Already ready by a significant number of reviewers. 4583bis Small number of review comments received. On a call in the room 3 or 4 of people indicated that they has read the draft. Meeting agreed this document was ready for WGLC. Chairs: Wait for the update rfc4582bis and then put both drafts through WGLC together, hopefully fairly shortly after this meeting. Gonzalo: So aim to have the publication request in September (Gonzalo) Meeting closed at 12:51 pm
- [bfcpbis] Proceedings for BFCPBIS WG meeting DRAGE, Keith (Keith)